I’ve finally succeeded to ward off mosquitoes and wasps from my house and patio

Never let flies, mosquitoes or even wasps bother you in your house or on your patio again with these simple tricks.


Whether it is houseflies, mosquitoes, wasps, or bees, all insects that fly over our heads are disruptive in our daily lives. Even though these flying bugs are important for our environment and for human survival, they don’t belong in our houses or on our patio. In this sense, here are a few tips to ward them off.

1. Fruit flies (1)

Blogue Helping

Small fruit flies are not dangerous but they are bothersome in a house. They multiply rapidly and end up taking up too much space in our homes. To eliminate them, all you need to do is capture them with a sugary liquid and some vinegar.

Take a container and add half juice and half vinegar. Then, put plastic wrap on the top and pierce some tiny holes with a needle. Put many of these containers everywhere in the infected rooms. You can say goodbye to these tiny invasive bugs.


2. Fruit flies (2)

Nature Moms

If you don’t have any vinegar nor juice, you can simply put a fruit at the bottom of a Mason jar and create a funnel with a piece of paper. The flies will be attracted by the odour but won’t be able to get out of the funnel.

3. Flies on the patio

Here is an extraordinary essential oil based spray that will ward off flies and allow you to enjoy your summer peacefully!


  • 1 litre of white vinegar or cider vinegar
  • 20 drops of basil essential oil
  • 20 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 20 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap
  • A spray bottle


  1. Pour all the ingredients into a spray bottle.
  2. Mix and then use.

You can spray this mix in the room or on your clothes (but not on your skin).

4. Wasps in your backyard

Create an anti-wasp trap to ward off these bugs from your land:

  • Cut a plastic bottle in two.
  • Place the bottle on your balcony.
  • Place some jam or beer mixed with honey in the cut bottle.
  • Put back the other part of the bottle by placing the neck towards the bottom.

The wasps will want to taste the jam or a mix of beer and honey but won’t be able to get out of your trap.

5. Wasps in your house


Wasps don’t like the taste of coffee so pour ground coffee beans in a cup. Then, light up the coffee with a lighter. The smoke will help to ward them off. If you crush a couple of cloves beside, this will save you!

Of course, lighting incense sticks are always effective against wasps.

6. Flies in the house (1)

Ward off flies thanks to your essential oils. Here is how to do it:


  • 2 Mason jars
  • 10 drops of citrus eucalyptus essential oil
  • 10 drops of lemongrass essential oil
  • A sliced lemon
  • A sliced lime
  • 4 rosemary branches
  • 2 candles


  1. Fill every Mason jar with equal parts of lemon and lime slices.
  2. Add two branches of rosemary in each pot.
  3. Pour ¾ of water into the pots and add 10 drops of all the essential oils in a separate pot. Don’t mix
  4. To start the process, light up the candle.

7. Flies in the house (2)

Flies hate the smell of cloves and when you add lemon, you’ll be sure they will stay far away.


  • Lemon
  • Cloves


  1. You need to cut the lemon in half and stick the cloves directly in the pulp.
  2. Then, place the lemons on your table and you’ll have no problems with flies!

8. Flies in the house (3)

Blogue Émilie ramène sa fraise

Essential oils are a great way to add a nice smell to your house but also to get rid of flies. Here is how to do it:


  • Lavender essential oil
  • Sponge
  • Pot or container with a lid


  1. You need to add a lot of lavender essential oil on the sponge, then place it in the container.
  2. Close it tightly and leave it there for a few hours or for one day to make the smell more intense.
  3. Then, you can open it a bit and place it anywhere in your house.

Sources :

  • Healthy Food House
  • Woman Positive
  • Viral Social Blog
  • Good Housekeeping
  • HouseholdHacker
  • MousetrapGenius