How to Prevent Bananas From Spoiling Too Fast

If you are a bananas' lover, you probably find them rotting too fast? Fortunately, there are tips to preserve them from turning brown too fast.


Bananas are succulent, inexpensive and very good for your health. Unfortunately, they tend to brown way too quickly, which is pretty shameful. Luckily, there are several ways to preserve bananas from spoiling too fast. Here are some tips to keep your bananas in good shape as long as possible and savor them throughout the week!

1. Avoid the Fridge

One of the first thing to know is not to put your bananas in the refrigerator because they blacken faster. Leave them in the open air area at room temperature.

2. Separate and Hang

If you separate them, you will keep them longer. You can also hang them on a hook.

3. The Cellophane


Another trick to keep them for three to five more days is to put cellophane around the banana stem.

To do this, cut a piece of cellophane the size of your hand and firmly wrap the piece around the stem of the bunch.

4. Aluminum Foil

To keep a peeled banana, simply wrap it in foil!

5. Make Compote

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Bananas are good for health. Indeed, it is a fruit full of potassium!

If you think they are too ripe, make a good compote mixed with other fruits you have hanging around.

Source :

Astuce de GrandMère