17 Foods You Should Never Give Your Dog

We sometimes tend to share our food with our pets. Unfortunately, this can make them sick. Here are some foods not to be given to your dog!


It is very hard to resist our pet’s tender expression, especially when it looks at the food on our dining table with delight. However, it is necessary not to give table food to your dog. Indeed, our foods can cause many health problems much more serious than just weight gain. Here are some foods that could be dangerous for your beloved pet.

1. Xylitol

Candy, chewing gum, toothpaste, bakery products, and some health foods are sweetened with an ingredient called xylitol. It can lower your dog’s blood sugar and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting, lethargy and coordination problems. Eventually, your dog may have convulsions after ingesting this ingredient. Liver failure can occur within a few days. If you see your dog eating sweet foods, be aware of his behavior.

2. Avocado

Is all table food bad for your dog? It depends on what it is. Lawyers, for example, have what is called persin. It’s good for people who are not allergic to it. But too much can cause vomiting or diarrhea in dogs. If you grow avocados at home, keep your dog away from these plants. Persian is found in leaves, seeds, and bark, as well as in fruits. Also, an avocado seed can get stuck in your pet’s intestines or stomach: their obstruction can be fatal.

3. Alcohol

Alcohol has the same effect on the dog’s liver and brain as it does on humans. However, it takes a lot less to hurt your dog. Just a little beer, alcohol, wine or food with alcohol can be bad for your pet. Alcohol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, coordination problems, respiratory problems, coma, and even death. The smaller your dog is, the more harmful alcohol can be to him.

4. Onions and garlic

Keep onions and garlic powder, raw, cooked or dehydrated away from your dog. They can kill his red blood cells, which can cause anemia. You should know that some baby foods even contain onion powder. Although ingesting a small dose of these foods is probably not a problem, eating a lot of them once can cause poisoning. Look for signs such as weakness, vomiting, and respiratory problems.

5. Coffee, tea and other sources of caffeine

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Caffeine can be fatal. Be careful with coffee, tea and coffee grounds. Keep your dog away from cocoa, chocolate, colas, and other energy drinks. Caffeine is also present in some cold medicines and painkillers. If you think your dog has taken caffeine, take him to the vet as soon as possible.

6. Macadamia nuts

Keep your dog away from macadamia nuts and foods containing them. Six raw or roasted macadamia nuts can make a dog sick. Look for symptoms such as muscle tremors, vomiting, high temperature and weakness in the hind legs. Eating chocolate with nuts will aggravate symptoms and even lead to death.

7. Chocolate

Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs. The problem with chocolate is theobromine. Both dark and white chocolate can be bad for your dog. Certainly, the most dangerous kinds are dark chocolate and unsweetened baking chocolate. Chocolate can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. It can also cause heart problems, tremors, convulsions, and death.

8. Fat and bone waste

Fat from cooked and uncooked meat can cause pancreatitis in dogs. And, even if it seems natural to give a dog a bone, it can choke on it. Bones can also break and block your dog’s digestive system or cause cuts inside your dog.

9. Khakis, peaches, and plums

The problem with these fruits is seeds or stones. Khaki seeds can cause problems in a dog’s small intestine. They can also block his intestines. This can also happen if a dog eats the core of a peach or plum. Peach and plum pits also contain cyanide, a poison for humans and dogs. People know not to eat them. Not dogs.

10. Raw eggs

Some people give their dogs raw foods that, like raw eggs, are not safe. But the big veterinary associations don’t think that’s a good idea. There is a risk of food poisoning by bacteria such as salmonella or E. coli. Talk to your veterinarian if you have any questions.

11. Raw meat and fish

Like raw eggs, raw meat and fish may contain bacteria that cause food poisoning. Some fish such as salmon, trout, shad or sturgeon may also have a parasite that causes a “fish disease”. It’s treatable but get help right away. The first signs are vomiting, fever and large lymph nodes. Cook the fish completely to kill the parasite.

12. Salt

It is not a good idea to share salty foods such as chips or pretzels with your dog. Eating too much salt can make your dog thirsty. This means the risk of ionic sodium poisoning. Symptoms of too much salt include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, tremors, high temperatures, and convulsions. It can even cause the death of your pet.

13. Sweet foods and beverages

Too much sugar can do the same thing to dogs as it does to humans. Your dog may be overweight and have problems with his teeth. It can even lead to diabetes.

14. Yeast dough

Before being baked, the bread dough must rise. And that’s exactly what happens in your dog’s stomach if he eats it. Because it swells inside, the paste can stretch your dog’s abdomen and cause him a lot of pain. Also, when the yeast ferments the dough to raise it, it produces alcohol that can lead to alcohol poisoning.

15. Your medications

Dogs should not take medication. This can make them very sick. Just as you do for your children, keep all medicines out of your dog’s reach. Also, never give your dog over-the-counter medication unless your veterinarian asks you to. Ingredients such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are common in pain relievers and cold medicines and can be fatal to your dog.

16. Milk and other dairy products

In summer, it can be tempting to share your ice cream with your dog. Instead, give him cold water. Milk and milk-based products can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems in your puppy. They can also trigger food allergies, which can cause itching.

17. No dogs should be allowed in your pantry

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Many other things that are often found on kitchen shelves can hurt your dog. Chemical yeast and baking soda are both very toxic. So are nutmeg and other spices. Keep food high enough to be out of reach of your dog and keep pantry doors closed.