5 Natural Ways To Get Rid of Aphids in The Garden

Here are some very effective natural insecticides to get rid of aphids and save your beautiful garden. Eliminate them for good!


Aphids invading your garden during the summer can be extremely annoying and infuriating: they attack and damage plants that eventually become weak and thus become more prone to catching various diseases. They dry up and lose their leaves drastically. Aphids must be eliminated as soon as they appear in your garden. Here are some natural tricks to eliminate them!

1. Eliminate Aphids on roses

  • Mix four parts water with one part milk and pour this mixture into a spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture on your roses but avoid doing this on windy days.

2. Use nettle

  • Put nettles in a bowl and add water.
  • Cover the bowl and leave your mixture aside for one week.
  • Filter everything, add 1/4 of water and spray the mixture on your plants.

3. Use garlic to keep aphids away

  • Boil 1 litre of water;
  • Grind 4 cloves and pour water over the garlic cloves;
  • Cover them and wait an hour;
  • Filter your mixture and spray it on the plants.


Astuces de Grand-Mère

4. Organic liquid soap

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  • Mix 20 ml liquid soap or organic liquid dish soap for one litre of water;
  • Add 20 ml of alcohol to your mixture;
  • Shake and then spray on your infested plants.


Astuces de Grand-Mère

5. Baking soda

  • Put 20 ml of organic liquid soap for one litre of water;
  • Add 20 ml of sweet almond and 20g baking soda;
  • Mix all the ingredients and spray on the plants;
  • Rinse your plants afterwards.

It is also a good fungicide.


Astuces de Grand-Mère