Dish Washing: Revive your Old Dirty Sponge With This Clever Trick!

Nobody likes to wash dishes with an old dirty sponge, but we can't always throw it away. Try this funky trick to remove its terrible smell.


Unfortunately, we often underestimate the life of the sponge used for the household, we frequently throw it away for its terrible smell. Indeed, the bacteria that accumulate there and some poorly rinsed foods that can cause bad odors.

Is it possible to find a sponge that feels good in addition to being disinfected? Yes, there are several tips to refresh smelly sponges.

You can use lemon juice, put sponges in the dishwasher or in the microwave. Sodium Bicarbonate can also be used. It is therefore not necessary to throw away your sponge because it emits a bad odor.


What You Need :

  • A lemon
  • Hot Water
  • A bowl


  1. Pour hot water in the bowl.
  2. Press the lemon and pour it in the bowl.
  3. Leave the sponge in the bowl overnight.
  4. Rinse the sponge.


Astuces de Grand-Mère