The Mystery Meaning Behind the Letter “X” on Your Palms Is Finally Revealed

If your hand palms have a small letter "x" (only 3% of the people in the world have it), you are a very special person and you will certainly succeed in life!


It is not related to palmistry or any superstitious method from India. It is related to a very old method used by the Egyptians and Greeks to announce the future of someone. In fact, the last known historical record of this method is mentioned in the time of Alexander the Great, where the royal advisers suggested that he would be the greatest commander of the time, since he had two clearly visible X-letters In both palms.

STI University in Moscow (Russia) revealed its latest research results on the “X palm mystery and Spirit Science formula”, which has studied more than 2 million people around the world to understand the link between the letter X and the destiny of materials. They reveal on their papers that everyone with the letter X on their hands was the most notable people, including Russian President Vladimir Putin and Abraham Lincoln.


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The  “X” Meaning

People with the letter X on both hands are the strongest characters, their destiny is always the best and this never requires planning. Although some may spend their time planning for success, people with a “double X” palm do not need a plan to succeed. It’s just a matter of time for them. It is a matter of time until their destiny is automatically formed in a single energy cycle that makes the person “one of the greatest among others” before they die.

These gifted individuals are special people with whom you have to be very careful because they will feel you away from them. They are doubly aware of everything and nobody can deceive them. You can not lie and betray people with a “X” on both hands because their destiny is so strong and shaped in such a way that who ever would want to betray will never succeed in doing so.


People with this letter on their palms are also physically very strong. Although they do not seem to be the strongest all times, they are the least prone to contracting communicable diseases, reveals the study.

They lives can change in an instant and can change the life of someone else in no time.

The prophetic qualities of these special people.

  • They succeed very well.
  • They are very sharp-witted
  • They are the best leaders
  • Even after their death, they are never forgotten.

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