For some people, the dimples are a special feature and a sign of beauty. They can be found on the cheeks, upper lip, chin or lower back. If you are one of those in your lower back, find out what they mean!
The dimples are hereditary and are in fact a malformation of the zygomatic muscle. Only 20% of people own it and most of us do not know their true meaning.
2. Where do the dimples come from and what do they mean?
Commonly referred as “Salt-shakers of Venus” for woman and “Apollo Salt” for men, in reference to the Goddess of love and the God of beauty, these sacro-iliac dimples are found where two bones join the Pelvis, and are only visible if a person has the proper ligaments or a genetic predisposition, but the presence of these dimples in the lower back also means that your body has only a low fat mass and you have good Blood circulation.
In addition to being a sign of beauty, Venus saltwashers ensure good orgasms, since a good blood circulation in the pelvis facilitates the achievement of the orgasm in the woman
1. The significance of other dimples on your body
Cheek’s dimples
They would make you irresistible! They add a little something to your face, making you look attractive and charming. Some cultures even consider them to be the secret of youth and wisdom, believing also that those who possess them are very lucky.
However, according to the scientists, the dimples on the cheeks would mean a whole different thing. It could in fact be hereditary birth defect. They are formed by stretching short facial muscles. Occasionally, dimples may form during the growth of the fetus and may even be visible on ultrasound scans!
The dimples on the chin
This is a very original feature! This type of dimple is caused by the large zygomatic, the facial muscle that connects the malar bone of the jaw and the commissure of the lips to the cheekbone.
The dimple at the chin is considered charming and as a sign of strong personality. A woman who possesses it is determined, filled with will and sometimes even selfish, whereas in man it is a symbol of courage, strength and responsibility. On the other hand, be careful: the dimple on the chin is very different from the simple slit on the chin. The slit is considerably more visible than the dimple and generally thinner.
Lip’s dimples
You can find it in the middle of the upper lip, under her nose. It is called “philtrum”. For some, it would be created by an angel who would have put his finger at this place just before birth, so that he forgets all the events and memories related to pregnancy.
According to scientists, however, the philtrum would locate the fusion of several parts of the face. It is during the 2nd and 3rd month of pregnancy that the face of the child develops and that all the bones of the skull, face and head begin to gradually join. It may happen that during this displacement of the bones, a bad union occurs, which can cause malformations like the cleft lip or cleft palate.
Source: Santé+ Magazine