The world of beauty and cosmetics has tons of tricks and tricks. Several of them are available on the Internet. Although some seem strange to us, these tricks actually work! Here are 10 beauty tips to add to your routine. You simply will not get back from their amazing result. You will, for example, be able to eliminate dark circles under your eyes with a simple lipstick.
1. Set your face to make you makeup last.
After applying your corrector and your foundation as you normally would, coat your face with baby powder. Then put your face in a bowl of cold water for 30 seconds. You will come out free of powder and with smaller pores. Plus, your makeup will last all day!
Grow your lashes.
To lengthen your lashes, put translucent powder on your lashes between layers of mascara. Baby powder also works!
Remove the lumps from your mascara.
Si des grumeaux commencent à se former sur votre mascara, mettez-le dans une tasse d’eau chaude. Vous pouvez également ajouter quelques gouttes pour les yeux ou des gouttes pour les verres de contact.
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2. Heat your curler-eyelash
Heat your curler with your hair dryer for a few seconds before using it. This will harden the loop all day! Just check that it is not too hot before using it.
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3. Rub ice cube against your face.
Before applying your makeup, rub ice cubes on your face to shrink your pores and get glowing skin.
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4. Draw and Hashtag sign with a eyeliner.
Draw a hashtag with a perfect eyeliner and trace. That’s all!
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5. Add a white line under your eyes.
Stop doubling the inside of your line of eyelashes with black – this makes your eyes smaller! Instead, put a line of whites. This color enlarges your eyes.
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6. Use a lipstick to conceal your dark circles.
Utilisez du rouge à lèvres pour cacher les cernes que vous avez sous les yeux. C’est presque magique!
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Curve your mascara applicator.
Curve your brush at a 90 degree angle for better application.
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7. Create your own eye stencil with duct tape
Use tape as a stencil when making your eyeliner. You will thus have a nice clean and straight line.
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