8 Important Things to Keep in Mind When Driving at Night

Vous prévoyez parcourir un long trajet en voiture durant la nuit? Voici quelques conseils à garder en tête pour avoir une conduite sécuritaire.


Low-lighted roads are often common as well as nocturnal animals capable of seeing hundreds of meters ahead in the dark which is unfortunately not our case. Indeed, we do not have night glasses created for safe driving yet. It is better, therefore, to take certain precautions when taking the road at nightfall. Here are 8 tips that will help you onto your next adventure on the road when the path is dimly lit.

1. Make sure your night lights are on.


It seems obvious, but it is very easy to forget to turn on the lights when leaving the parking after dark. Be sure to turn them on when you start your car’s engine.

Turn off your ceiling light inside your car.


If you lost something important as while as driving, turn it on to help you see. Otherwise, close your ceiling light inside your car. You want to be focused on what is illuminated by your headlights at all times.

Always keep your windscreen, mirrors and headlights clean.


You want to have as much vision on the road as possible, and it’s a bit difficult when there is more dust or mud on your headlights than usual.


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2. Decrease the intensity of your headlights when you are approaching another car on the road.


It is not just a sign of courtesy, but also for security.


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3. Do not look directly at the headlights of approaching cars.


If this happens, slow down a little and avoid looking at the lights of approaching drivers. Some may be bright enough to temporarily interfere with the driving of other drivers: slow down until your vision returns to normal if that is the case.


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4. Stay alert for encounter animals.


This is particularly true on national highways and provincial highways. One thing to watch out for is the dazzling eyes of an animal with your headlights. You will see his eyes even before your headlights reveal the entire animal. Slow down when you see one.


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5. Fog lights can help.

Entretien voiture – Ooreka

You do not necessarily have to be caught in thick fog to use them. They are lower, and even if they do not reach the path, illuminating a wider area may be useful.


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6. Getting tired? It’s time to take a break, don’t be ashamed!


Are your eyes tense? Your body is tired? It is time to take a short nap or grab a cup of coffee. Even better, if there is another driver in your car, ask him to take over. Studies have shown that lack of sleep before driving increases the chances of an accident.

Last advice, use your common sense!


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