The heat can sometimes be suffocating and especially extremely unpleasant, to such a point that you can not sleep at night. We do not find sleep, or at least very little, and we get up very angry the next morning. Unfortunately, these summer temperatures are often frequent. It is therefore essential to find a solution to fight the heat wave. Here are some tips for dealing with high temperatures during the night.
1. Position your fan strategically.
Place it in front of an open window so that a breeze of fresh air goes to your bed.
Choose pale cotton sheets.
Use small cushions.
Also choose a firm cushion when it is very hot.
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2. Wear a loose cotton pyjamas.
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3. When you go out of the shower, do not dry your hair.
Go to bed with wet hair, it will keep a breeze at night.
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4. Sleep at ground level.
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5. Pour fresh water into a hot water bottle and place it in the freezer.
You can use it at night to refresh yourself.
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6. Put your feet in a container of fresh water to decrease the temperature of your body.
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7. Install a wet towel on your window to create a fresh draft.
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8. Put a container filled with ice cubes near your running fan to cool the air.
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9. Why not sleep under the stars?
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10. When you go to bed, wrap yourself in a wet sheet. It will also help you to decompress.
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11. Eat light meals.
It is important to eat light meals, especially on dinner time, as your body produces a lot of heat by digesting.
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