Turn Empty Bottles Into Beautiful Lights to Brighten Your Home

If you have children and want to make start a beautiful craft light project for their bedroom, this one is certainly one of the simplest ones to make.


Building a fairy lights house does not need to be expensive or even cost anything. You just need imagination and plastic bottles apparently.

Here’s an amazing tutorial on how to make a small fixture using plastic bottles. If you have just seen the final product, do not think it will be too difficult to achieve; You will be amazed by the simplicity of this project.

You will love this simple DIY to do with your children at home. It is a perfect project for children during the summer. Let’s take this opportunity to teach children recycling.

Let the fun begin.

Take 3 bottles of different sizes. With aluminum foil, form the small points that will make the roof of the houses as well as the external shapes of the houses (small roof over the door).

To continue, here is a video tutorial that will help you visualize the steps to follow.

Sources :

  • YouTube
  • Cool Creativity