This Is How You Should Maintain Your Washing Machine From Now On!

You just bought a washing machine and it cost you all your saved penny? Maintain it with these tips to increase its lifespan.


Every week, it is undeniable, you make a load of laundry in your washing machine. Your washing machine has probably cost you quite a lot, but you use it frequently. To enjoy it to the maximum, and this for several years, you must obviously maintain and pay attention. Indeed, many parts of this appliance can, over time, become clogged and wear out. Here are 5 tips for properly maintaining your washing machine.

1. Clean the soap tup.

It is important to thoroughly clean the laundry tub..

  • Remove it from its slot.
  • Rinse with a little warm water and liquid dish soap.

Remove the limestone from the washing machine.

For your washing machine to run at maximum capacity, you should descaler your washing machine frequently. To do this, pour white vinegar to irrigate the joints. Just put it in the drum and the product tray. Let it act a few hours and start a cycle at 160 ° F.

Maintain every piece of it.


You must of course check before each wash that no objects or foreign objects are present in your device.


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2. Clean your appliance right after if have dyed a garment.


If you use garment dye, clean your washer. It would be a pity that during the next washings, your clothes are stained …

  • Put some white vinegar into the drum of your washing machine.
  • Start the vacuum machine and run at 140 ° F.
  • You will thus be able to get rid of dye residues.


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3. Clean the seals on your device.


The seals are easily clogged. To wash them, use hot water, a little liquid dish soap and a few drops of ammonia.


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