Tips to Keep Your Interior Plants Beautiful And Healthy

If you have several houseplants, but you have trouble taking care of them. Here are some tips to help you keep them in good shape!

Most people like plants as well as flowers to decorate their home. Indeed, a green interior adds a nice touch to any decoration. Certainly, it’s not always easy to keep your plants alive. Yes, it is necessary to measure watering, heat and light, but sometimes it seems much more complicated than that. For people who are struggling to keep their plants alive more than a week, here are some tips and tricks!

1. Plants + Lights = Pro Gardener


Naturally, plants need light. Put your plants near windows, in lighted places. Ideally, you should put your plants near a window facing east. In winter, place your plants within 1.50 m of the windows. If your home has few windows, you can opt for artificial lighting (fluorescent tubes or mercury or sodium lamps).

Adjust temperature according to their behaviors.


The plants adapt well to the temperature of our house. Excess heating may, however, dry them out. 20 ° C is a good temperature for your plants. In winter, many plants like a little refreshing, ie temperatures between 15 and 18 ° C. You can also vary from 2-3 ° C the temperature between day and night.

Add a humidifier close to your plants.

Côté Maison

Most plants require 70-90% moisture indoors, which is not achievable. To help your plants have a good moisture content, put a humidifier near them. You can also place pots in containers filled with clay balls and water. When it is very hot, do not hesitate to mist your plants often.

2. How to water your plants.

Generally, the watering of a plant is determined by the humidity present in the room as well as the ambient temperature. You can make your watering easier by opting for terra cotta pots. These allow the roots to breathe. It is also suggested not to over water. A plant bears better the lack of water than the excesses.

Replenish your plants.

Par Détente Jardin

Plants have a period of growth that ranges from March to September. Reap them when you see that their roots become too big, when they stop growing, or when they do not bloom. To do this, select a pot whose diameter is about an inch bigger than the old one.
