This Amazing Tip Will Eliminate All Bacteria In Your Washer In No Time

Too often we forget to clean our cleaning appliances. Make it a habit to wash it and eliminate its bacteria from time to time with this simple trick!


This is inevitable, every week you have cleaning chores to accomplish, such as preparing diner, doing housework and, of course, laundry.Although your washer is constantly filled with soap and water, it can quickly become dirty and accumulate bacteria. Certainly, the goal in putting our clothes in the washer is to clean them. It is therefore essential to integrate the habit of cleaning your washer from time to time.

Note: this trick is applicable to your dish-washer and your laundry machine.

Here’s a simple trick to eliminate bacteria from your washer in no time!



Here is your to do list:

  • First of, make sure your washer is empty.
  • Place a dishwasher cleaner tray in the detergent compartment of the washer.
  • Turn on a long cleaning cycle including hot water.
  • Clean the exterior of your washer with water and white vinegar to disinfect it.

