Here Are 5 Clever Ways To Use Your Overripe Tomatoes

All of us have already happened to buy tomatoes and not have time to eat. Here are 5 smart ways to use your overripe tomatoes.


You bought tomatoes at the grocery store and did not have time to eat them before they ripen? It would be a shame to throw them away for this stupid reason.

Instead, why not try to turn them in a soup or, for example, meat sauce? There are several ways to use the taste of ripe tomatoes.

Here are 5 genius ways to get your tomatoes too ripe.

1. Make your own tomato sauce.

If your tomatoes seem too soft to be eaten raw, use them to prepare a tomato sauce. You can cook it with olive oil / basil, meat or spicy. You can also take tomatoes to make homemade ketchup.

Make your own soup and freeze it for lunch.

Paléo Régime

Take your tomatoes too ripe and make a delicious tomato soup. You can freeze and eat it in the autumn on a slightly colder day.

Make dried tomatoes for great salad.

Mon petit marché

Place your tomatoes in your dehydrator. You will have dried tomatoes. It’s delicious in salads and on home pizzas. You can also take your oven to dehydrate your tomatoes.


2. Cook Grilled Provencal Tomatoes

tomates rôties à la provençale

Here is a recipe to try:

  • Slice your tomatoes in half and place them with garlic cloves on a baking sheet on which you have put cooking paper.
  • Pour a little olive oil on the tomatoes, add herbs and seasonings that you like.
  • Put in the oven for about 20 min at 210 ° C.
  • Eat them with goat cheese, on a salad, and so on.


3. Make your own chili sauce.

Recettes | Zeste
  • Slice your tomatoes and place them in a saucepan.
  • Put some peppers or peppers (optional).
  • Put 2 tablespoons of vinegar and 50 g of brown sugar.
  • Cook over medium heat.
  • When the tomatoes have reduced, you can add a creamy sauce and let it cool down.
  • Pour into airtight jars.
