You Got Old Tights Hiding In Your Wardrobe? Here Are 11 Things To Do With Them

If you tend to constantly poke your stockings sticky, do not throw them away. Here are 11 ingenious ways to recover them in everyday life.


With fall season coming, comes the cold time, you’ve probably been filling up with pantyhose to weather the temperature while still wearing your favorite dresses. Unfortunately, the nylon stockings have bad reputation at that time of the year.

Indeed, although comfortable and very elegant, these tend to break very quickly. But this is not a reason to throw them away.

Here are 11 ingenious ways to recover your old tights.

1. Clean your shoes.

Instructables — Carleyy

Rub your shoes with your old tights to remove the dirt and marks that tarnish them.

Exfoliate your face.

Instructables — Carleyy

Soak a portion of your nylon stocking to clean your face and exfoliate it gently.


Fill your tights with potpourri and store it in your wardrobe or wardrobe

Instructables — Carleyy

Create your own potpourri with petals, pine cones and cinnamon sticks.


2. Avoid the risk of hanging

Instructables — Carleyy

When you are finished working wood, put your hand in a nylon stocking and rub the wooden surface. If you hang the surface, there is a risk of splintering. Set the problem right away.

Trim your creations with pantyhose

Instructables — Carleyy

Use your old tights to cushion the pantyhose, cushions and other projects you make.

3. Dust Off

Instructables — Carleyy

Remove your nail polish effectively

Instructables — Carleyy

4. Rub your pans for a deep cleaning

Instructables — Carleyy

Polish and dust multiple surfaces of your home

Instructables — Carleyy


5. If you don’t have a smartphone yet, don’t worry! Add a vintage look to your pictures by place holding your tight in front of your camera.

Instructables — Carleyy


Create fake tattoos for Halloween

Instructables — Carleyy

Put your pantyhose on a flat surface, draw the pattern and put on the nylon stocking, simply.