I Wish I Knew This Tip Before to Keep My Tomatoes Fresh Over a Month

If you want your tomatoes to stay fresh longer without losing their flavor, it's possible! Here are the 3 easy steps to remember.


We all love tomatoes, that’s why they are often added to all kinds of recipes. Have you ever thought of planting them in your garden?

Tomatoes bought in stores seem not to have the same delicious taste as those grown at home. Here’s how to grow them all year round.

Here are your 3 steps to follow:

1- Have what it takes ready to ease the process

fresh tomatoes

The canning activity is quite fast, so you should have the necessary materials on hand before you all need to do everything at the same time:

  • Several ripe tomatoes
  • Two big containers
  • Tongs for canned
  • Jar and lids
  • Funnel
  • Soup spoon

Extra Tip: You can also add cooked red peppers, onions and fresh herbs like basil and oregano, you do not need to add that tomatoes only.

2- How to prepare your tomatoes

The next step is to whiten the tomatoes.

  • Make a shallow cross-section on top of the tomatoes and boil until the skins slip immediately.
  • Once it’s boiling, you can add onions, herbs and peppers.
  • When tomatoes are diced with vegetables, you can start canning.

3- Mise en conserve

  • One of the large jars should serve you to boil water, while the other pot should be filled with cold water.
  • Salt is a natural preservative, and it will keep tomatoes fresh. Add 1/2 teaspoon for smaller jars and a full teaspoon for the bigger jars.

Use the funnel and the ladle to fill the jars, wipe the rim of the pot to make sure it is completely sealed, place the lid and tighten the strip tightly.

Next, place the pot in boiling water, but leave at least 1 inch of water between the pot and the surface of the water. You need 40 minutes for the pints (small pots) and 45 minutes for the quarts (big pots).

Remove the tomatoes with pliers and transplant the pots in a large pot of cold water / room temperature.

Sources :

  • Healthy Food House
  • Huffingtonpost
  • Shareably