You Won’t Believe How These School Punishments Went Too Far

Punishments are reminding us what is wrong. However, some punishments have made the top of our list for their unbelievable nonsense.


School punishments are quite necessary to help children understanding good behavior. After all, punishments are reminding us what is wrong. However, some punishments have made the top of our list for their unbelievable nonsense. Sometimes, people go too far and it’s unacceptable!

Here are 10 school punishments that went too far.

5. Monster Closet

Giant Bomb

A pre-kindergarten teacher and her assistant from Houston, Texas, lost their jobs after they used the janitor’s closet for punishing their 4-years old students.

Duffle Bag

Double Dutty Mom

A 9-year old student, Christopher Baker reported being stuffed into a duffle bag with the drawstring pulled tight as a punishment for missbehaving in class.


4. Homophobic Humiliation


A principal caught two students fighting, and as a punishment, he forced them to sit and hold hands in the middle of the quad. This resulted into homophobic insults thrown at the students from their schoolmates. It caused outrage on social media, and parents called for the principal to be removed from his job.



Atlanta Black Star

A mother of a 6-year old boy in Marshall, Texas was livid after her son came home from school with bruising on his bottom. She found out that her son was paddled three times by his teacher.


3. Lunch On the Floor

In 2008 in New Jersey, the vice principle got angry after a student spilled a water jug on the cafeteria floor. She proceeded to force 15 to 16 fifth grade students to eat their lunch off the floor for then days. Parents sued the school and won a settlement of $5000,00.


No Braids in Class

A teacher had enough that her student couldn’t stop playing with her braids. The teacher called her to the front of the class, and the proceeded to use a pair of classroom scissors to cut off one of the braids. The teacher ended up getting suspended without getting a pay.

2. Wrong Color Shoes

A 5-year old student was taken out of school and brought home by police because he wore shoes that were the wrong color. His family couldn’t afford a pair of black shoes so his mother colored a pair of red and white shoes black in order to cover the decoration. When the ink started coming off, the school called the cops.

Strip Searched


In 2003, a 13-year old student named Savana Redding was put through a strip search after a student accused her of carrying a prescription strength ibuprofen, which was the equivalent of 2 advils. After searching in her backpack, school officials weren’t satisfied. They sent her to the nurses office for a strip search.

1. Drawing On Faces

Library as Incubator Project

A teacher found herself in hot water after she allowed her students to draw on student’s face who failed their reading test.

Jailed for Missing School


A perfect student, missed school 11 times because of her busy schedule. Since the law requires a maximum of 10 excuses absences in a span of 6 months, her 11 absences caused her to be jailed for 24 hours and be charged a misdemeanor. A judges soon dropped the charges.


For more details watch the following video:


  • Sources
  • The Richest
  • Fox News