Say Goodbye to Ants With These 7 Genius Ways to Get Rid of Them

If your tricks to get rid of ants don't work anymore. You need new techniques and new strategies. We got you covered, it's time to suit up.


Old methods of dealing with ants are expired. Through the years, some expert discovered new ways to get rid of ants when they infest your home. These 7 new techniques and new strategies will change you life as they are quite easy to apply and most importantly quite effective.

Here are 7 genius ways to get rid of ants.

Picnic Tables and Food Scraps

It’s that lovely time of the year where picnic tables and food scraps are running a muck. You don’t have to let the ants ruin your lovely camp out. Get some extra containers such as Tupperware or disposable plates…

By simply placing the leg of the table into the containers. This will be a barrier against creepy crawlies. Fill with water and they won’t get far.


5. Leave Nothing Behind

Sugar is enough to send one little soldier back to his nest for backup. So before you toss your olds cans and bottles in the bin, give them a light rinse to remove any sweet coating.

4. Make Your Own Traps

To protect areas you suspect they might be interested in. Grab some sugar, water and borax.

  • Get a small container filled with 3 tbsp of sugar.
  • Add 1 tbsp of borax.
  • Add few drops of water. You want a mixture similar to maple syrup.

Be sure to keep it out of reach for children. For more safety, add a lid to your container and add access holes.


3. How to Find a Colony of Ants

If you can’t find a visible trail of ants, spray a little vinegar on one little soldier. It will usually come back the way it came so you can follow it home. Slowly and patiently follow it back.

2. Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Run a hose up to the ant’s home and turn it for about 10 minutes. You really want to saturate the dirt. Do it daily until all activity ceases.

Quicker option

If you would like a faster tip, simply boil a sauce pan of water. Add cayenne pepper while boiling and once it’s done, put on your safety gloves to drop the boiled water in the ant’s home.

1. Get prepared for the up coming ones.

We need to get rid of the pheromones that the ants left in your home for the other to follow. You have to do this after the problem is solved. It’s simple… Get a spray bottle or container and fill it half full with vinegar, and fill the rest with water. Mix few drop of dish soap and spray around any areas that were affected.


Fore more details on these tips make sure to watch the video bellow:


  • HouseholdHacker