6 Work at Home Jobs That Can Be Easily Found Nowadays

If you hate getting ready in the morning and wish you could just stay home and work in you pyjamas. Maybe it's time for you to get a new job.


Some people are simply not at their best when mixed with groups of people in a tiny office. All they wish for is to change for one of these home jobs you can easily find nowadays. For all of you who can’t handle the drive to work or the uncompromising schedule. We can help you!

The following 6 work at home jobs are usually quite easy to find and don’t require much.

5. Transcriptionist

This is pretty easy. All you really do is to listen to an audio file and transcribe it. Simple search on whatever software you are using and you will easily find options. You won’t have to move from home and you will get paid most of the time around $30 000 a year.

4. Virtual Assistant

Someone who is hired a a virtual assistant for firm. Specially entrepreneurs tend to hire people for this kind of job. You basically need to take note and pretty much any task that the entrepreneur who will hire you doesn’t like to do. Expect around 20 to 30 k.

3. Online chat customer support


With online shopping growth it’s becoming essentiel for companies to have online chat customer support. If you can’t find links yourself try to reach out directly to some online chat support.

2. Online call centers


This is for all people who still like to ear a human when it comes to support. This could be for any specialized companies or to help people in need of listener.

1. Writer/Blogger

Most companies who are going online need digital content. The best place to find this kind of job is on the web. You will find many ressources specially if you are good at writing.

Data Entry

This can be done part time or full time. It offers different kind of opportunities. You can expect around a 25 k average. For this job, you will need background experience with microsoft words and powerpoint.

If you feel like you need more details on these jobs. Make sure to watch the fantastic video bellow.



  • selfmadesuccess.com
  • bestofbudgets.com
  • dopedollar.com