Here’s How to Save Money on Heating This Winter

Do you dread the winter because of electricity bills? Here are some clever ways to warm up at home without turning on the heat!


The cost of heating a house during winter can rise quickly and it’s not like you could turn the heat off. It is therefore necessary for your budget to keep a proper electricity bill while living in a warm environment. Here are some clever ideas for you to warm up without turning on the heat.

15. Seal your windows to deal with drafts

Rachel Rothman, Technical Director and Engineer at the Good Housekeeping Institute, recommends using a flashlight or candle to check drafts. At night, it is enough for someone to stand on the other side of your light source and, if you can see it, you have to caulk the area to seal the crack.

14. Close shutters

Once the night has fallen, do not forget to close the shutters.This simple trick will maintain a constant and pleasant temperature and thus save on heating costs over night.

13. Install silicone

Make sure the joints in your windows are watertight. If this is not the case, fill the joints with silicone with a spatula.

12. Reverse the direction of your ceiling fan

If you think your ceiling fan is just good for hot and humid days, you’re wrong: “By reversing the motor in winter, or by turning it clockwise, it creates a rising current that grows really hot air near the ceiling down, “says Rothman. This tip will help you feel warmer, which means you can reduce your thermostat and save money (some reports indicate that you can reduce your bill by 10%).

11. Warming up with a hot water bottle

This is an inexpensive product that can heat for a very long time. You can put it in your neck, on your sale or just near you, under your covers at night.

10. Eat well and drink hot drinks

During the winter, make sure your diet contains enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements to cope with the cold. Also drink tea, herbal tea and coffee to warm you up.

9. Invest in good quality bed sheets

To stay warm while you sleep, make sure your bed is up to the task. An electric blanket is always a good option in this case, as long as you use it safely.

8. Purchase good curtains

When the sun is out, keep your blinds open so that the heat can shine on the glass and create a slight warming effect in the room, but at night, close them to add extra insulation against the cold. You can also use a thermal liner to save energy.

7. Seal your doors

Do not let cold air slide under your door like a stranger in the night. Just seal your doors with a draughty stop.

6. Add carpets

Did you know that heat can escape through floors? To avoid this, Rothman recommends to use cloth mats that offer insulation, such as wool, to help trap the heat inside. Plus, carpets are nice and comfortable for your feet.

5. Close the doors of unnecessary rooms.

If the only people who spend time in your guest room are the guests, do not spend money to heat this room in the winter. Close the air vents and the door.

4. Install a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats help you heat your home more efficiently by reducing the temperature to a few degrees when you’re away from home.

3. Verify your roof to avoid any leaks

Snowy roof

“Rain, snow and debris can damage your siding,” says Rothman. To ensure that cold air does not seep in, you may want to hire a professional to repair your roof if necessary.

2. Dress up

This sounds obvious, but wear a wool sweater (merino wool and mohair is softer for the skin) You shouldn’t forget to wear slippers because naked feet on cold floor is a good way to catch a cold.

1. Purchase a sofa throw

Go to a home decor store or home accessories and invest in a throw. You can put it a little carelessly on your sofa or on one of the chairs in the kitchen, which is very trendy and it will always be handy and ready to warm you up.


  • Good Housekeeping