Say Goodbye to Your Bad Breath With These Great Tips!

Beyond good hygiene and weekly rinsing with salt water, there are several natural ways to fight bad breath. Here are the most effective natural remedies.


Chronic halitosis (also known as bad breath) has several possible causes, but the bad smell of the mouth is usually due to something that the person has recently eaten or a temporary overabundance of bacteria in the mouth. Beyond good hygiene and weekly rinsing with salt water, there are several natural ways to fight it. If you have tried some basic natural remedies and are still flaking paint on the walls with your breath, it’s time to visit a doctor. Some underlying medical conditions can cause bad breath, just as some medications can. A doctor can help identify the cause of persistent bad breath and sometimes heal it. Here are the most effective natural remedies to try before meeting your doctor.

12. Turmeric

The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric are ideal for fighting bad breath, as it helps kill germs and soothe any inflammation that can build up in the gums. Bonus: Turmeric also helps with digestion, treats depression and helps prevent Alzheimer’s disease. WellnessMama recommends a turmeric tea made with hot coconut milk mixed with a teaspoon of turmeric and cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey.

11. Baking Soda

Again, baking soda comes to the rescue of a daily problem. Thank Your Body recommends dissolving a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water for an effective rinsing against odors. Add a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to increase the feeling of freshness.

10. Green Tea

This drink is not only good for health, but also has antibacterial properties. These help eliminate bad breath.

9. Pineapple

The taste of pineapple juice after a spicy meal will help counter any strong smell. Pineapples contain a digestive enzyme called bromelain, reports Remedies ans Herbs, which acts as a natural cleanser.

8. Melon, oranges and berries

You can eat fruits such as melons, oranges or berries to get rid of bad breath. When you chew these foods, you produce saliva and their texture is ideal for killing bacteria.

7. Apples

Apples – or any other crunchy and natural food – act like a natural toothbrush, helping to dislodge anything that might stick to your teeth, causing odor problems. recommends apples, carrots or celery for this method of fighting bad breath caused by food in the mouth.

6. Water

Simply staying properly hydrated can work wonders for bad breath. A dry mouth lacks antibacterial saliva, promoting the growth of harmful bacteria – dehydration during the night is the cause of the “morning blast”. If you do not like to drink plain water, WebMD suggests adding lemon or raspberries and mint for a fresh taste.

5. Antiseptic spices

Cinnamon and cloves have an antiseptic quality that helps kill the bacteria that cause odors in the mouth. Reader’s Digest recommends sucking a cinnamon stick or cracking a pod between your teeth to release their useful properties.

4. Chlorophyll

There is a reason why restaurants put a sprig of parsley on your plate – it is meant to fight bad breath due to a smell of food. Chlorophyll in parsley, spinach and other green leaves will refresh the breath when chewed – and help prevent other body odors, according to Body Mint.

3. Mint

The best known remedy against the bad smells, of course, mint. Fresh mint leaves immediately warm the breath and the University of Maryland Medical Center reports that peppermint has been shown to aid digestion and relieve congestion.

2. Anise seeds

Anise seeds, like cardamom seeds, fennel and dill, help fight bad breath problems. Do not hesitate to sprinkle on your plates!

1. Daily Care

Obviously, in addition to trying these natural tips, you should have good dental hygiene to prevent the formation of bacteria in your mouth. Therefore, you should use a tongue cleaner daily. This utensil allows you to remove the small film of bacteria that settles on your tongue after meals. In addition to brushing your teeth, we also suggest you to make mouthwashes. These rinses and gargles kill bacteria very effectively. Finally, do not hesitate to use dental floss. This allows you to remove food stuck between your teeth. If you do not decongest the food, the bacteria will decompose it, which will cause an unpleasant odor …


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