IMPRESSIVE! These Natural Tips Will Allow You to Have Thick and Dense Eyebrows!

Thick eyebrows are very trendy! If you have very thin eyebrows, here are 10 natural remedies to have beautiful thick eyebrows.


We sometimes forget the importance that our eyebrows can have in our face. Indeed, they are framing and highlighting our eyes. Thick and supplied eyebrows have been valued for a very long time. Unlike sparse eyebrows that can give the impression that we are tired. Plus it’s very trendy! If you have very thin eyebrows, here are 10 natural remedies to have beautiful thick eyebrows.

11. Castor Oil

Marie Claire

Castor oil is a natural remedy for hair growth. In fact, this oil contains proteins, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants. These allow to nourish the hair follicles that promote the growth of hair. Here’s how to use this oil:

  • Dip a cotton swab in pure castor oil and put this product on each of your eyebrows.
  • Massage your eyebrows with your fingers for 2-3 minutes.
  • Wait 30 minutes or overnight and wash your eyebrows with warm water and mild soap.
  • Do this treatment once a day for a few weeks until your eyebrows are sufficiently supplied.

Caution: If you get burns or irritation, stop this remedy right away.

10. Coco Oil

Santé Nature Innovation

Coconut oil is also a good way to have thick and dense eyebrows. This oil contains various proteins, vitamin E as well as iron that promote the growth of hair on the eyebrows.

  • Put drops of hot coconut oil on your fingers.
  • Then do some motions on your eyebrows to massage them.
  • Leave it on for the night.
  • Rinse the next morning with warmish water.
  • Repeat every day for 1 to 2 months.

9. Olive Oil

Sélection du Reader’s Digest

You can use olive oil outside the kitchen. Since it is rich in vitamin E, it can help you grow the hair of your eyebrows..

  • Massage your eyebrows with this olive oil for 5 minutes before going to bed. Make sure the oil is hot by rubbing your fingers together.
  • Leave it on all night.
  • Rinse with hot water the next morning.

You can also do this treatment to promote the growth of the hairs of your eyebrows.

  • Mix 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and a few drops of honey.
  • Put the mixture on your eyebrows and massage them for a few minutes.
  • Wait a few minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Do one of these tricks once a day until your eyebrows are as thick as you want.

8. Onion Juice

It is found in sulfur onion juice, which promotes the production of collagen in body tissues. In addition to strengthening the hair follicles, it promotes hair growth.

  • Extract the juice from an onion.
  • Massage your eyebrows with this juice for 5 minutes.
  • Let your eyebrows dry and wash with mild soap and cold water.
  • Follow this trick once a day for a few weeks. You’ll see improvements.

7. The egg yolk

Vulgaris Médical

You can use egg yolk to improve the health of your hair. In fact, eggs have proteins. These will allow you to have thick eyebrows and shaggy.

  • Break an egg and separate the yolk from the white.
  • Beat the yolk to get a thick, creamy texture.
  • Using a cotton swab, put the egg yolk on your eyebrows.
  • Wait between 15 and 20 minutes, then rinse your eyebrows with cold water.
  • Do this treatment once or twice a week until your eyebrows are thick.

6. Fenugreek seeds

Bien-être – Ooreka

If you want a natural remedy to promote the growth of your hair, you can opt for fenugreek seeds. These seeds contain proteins, nicotinic acid and lecithin, substances that help growing hair.

  • Take 1 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds and soak in water for 5 hours.
  • Grind the seeds and add a small amount of coconut oil or almond oil.
  • Apply this mixture on your eyebrows before going to bed.
  • Leave on at the night.
  • Wash your eyebrows with warm water the next morning.
  • Do this treatment 2 or 3 times a week for two months.

5. Lemon

This fruit, which has vitamins C and B, in addition to being rich in folic acid, is an excellent solution for having thick and shaggy eyebrows. All you have to do is rub a slice of this citrus on your eyebrows, wait 15 to 20 minutes and rinse your face with warm water. You can also mix lemon’s zests with a 1/4 cup of coconut oil, let this the mix rest for 15 days in a cool and dry place and apply the solution on your eyebrows every night with a ball of cotton taking care to wash your face the next day.

Caution: When doing any of these treatments, do not expose yourself to direct sunlight for at least 2 hours: the lemon may lighten the color of the hair.

4. Milk

Milk is a way to naturally promote hair growth.

  • Soak a cotton swab in some milk.
  • Brush your eyebrows with the soaked cotton swab.
  • Let your eyebrows dry and then rinse with warm water.

3. Aloe Vera

Astu Feed

Thanks to its enzymes, Aloe has moisturizing properties that nourish the hair follicles. So you can use the gel of this plant to have beautiful eyebrows. Here’s how to do it:

  • Extract the gel from a sheet of aloe vera.
  • Apply the gel above your eyebrows and gently massage your skin.
  • Wait 30 minutes and rinse your face with warm water.

You can also make a paste with 1/2 teaspoon of aloe vera gel and a small amount of honey or coconut oil. Put this paste on your eyebrows, wait 30 minutes and rinse them.

We suggest that you do one of these treatments at least once a day for a few weeks.

2. Eat well!

It is obvious that if you lack nutrients, you will not be able to have beautiful thick eyebrows. You must eat healthy to promote the growth of your hair.

  • Make sure to eat foods that have a lot of vitamins A, such as red pepper, sweet potatoes and carrots.
  • Eat foods that have vitamin C, such as lemons, peppers, broccoli, papayas and oranges.
  • Don’t forget vitamin E. Almonds, peanuts, basil, spinach and olives have this vitamin.
  • Add protein to your meals. You can find it in cheese, tofu, beans, lentils and yogurt.
  • Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including avocados, nuts, olive oil and salmon are perfect for you.
  • Also make sure you have a diet rich in iron. You can find iron in milk, fish, green vegetables and lean meats.

1. Here are some extra tips!

Femme Actuelle
  • Every day, take the time to massage by making circular movements. Make the movements in the direction of hair growth.
  • Exfoliate your skin near the area. This will allow you to get rid of dead skin cells and promote blood circulation.
  • Avoid tweezing your eyebrows too often.
  • Do not apply too many cosmetics on your eyebrows.


  • Remèdes de Grand-Mère