Never get any cockroaches in your home again with these tips

Cockroaches are unpredictable and very common. Follow our advice to finally stop them from infesting your home.


Cockroach infestations are unfortunately unpredictable but very common. The most unpleasant part is that they always seem to show up, even in the most clean environments. Worst! Since they are nocturnal insects, you probably don’t even notice them. Here are some simple and natural advice so you can get rid of them once and for all so they never infest your house again.

14. Softener


This hack is easy and simple. Cockroaches don’t like the smell of this product. The odor will make them die. Here is what to do:

  • Mix some hot water with liquid softener in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the infested areas.

13. Coffee

Reader’s Digest

The odor of coffee attracts cockroaches. Once again, the odor is too strong and toxic for them so all you need to do is spread some fresh ground coffee around the cockroach infected area. They will eat it and then die.

12. Sugar and boric acid

This works as a simple trap. The sugar will attract them and the boric acid will make them die.

  • Mix the two together in a bowl and place it close to the infested area.

Beware: Boric acid is toxic for humans and animals. Make sure you children and your pets can’t reach the mixture.

11. Baking soda and sugar

Infiniti Exterminating

This option is pretty much the same as the one above but it is even more effective. Continue to sprinkle the infested area with the mixture every day because this process can take some time to work.

10. Cayenne, garlic and onion powder

Richard Pantry

The strong odor of these 3 ingredients mixed together will attract the cockroaches. The contact with the mixture will kill them. Make sure to always add more of the mixture since the odor disappears quickly.

9. Humid spaces


Cockroaches love humid spaces. Make sure your foundation pipes, holes, and cracks are sealed. Cockroaches won’t be able to access and infest your home. It is also a good idea to fix your plumbing and to dry any form of condensation as soon as you notice it. This is a simple hack but works extremely well.

8. Cleaning

You can avoid getting cockroaches by cleaning your home frequently. Cleaning your house will help you avoid getting cockroaches or any other undesirable insects.

7. Keep your house cool

L’éconologie à la maison

Cockroaches hate the cold. When you leave your house for a long period of time, it is best to close the heating. Make sure not to turn off your heat for too long if it is extremely cold since that could damage your home.

6. Diatomaceous earth

Detox Alcaline

Diatomaceous earth is a natural and organic product that you can use as an insecticide. Put some close to where you have seen cockroaches to get rid of them.

5. Baking soda, flour and condensed milk

You can repel cockroaches with this simple and natural recipe:

  • Mix half a cup of flour, half a cup of baking soda, and half a cup of condensed milk.
  • Make a paste and form small balls.
  • Place them around the infected areas.

4. Cockroach trap


A great way to eliminate cockroaches is to make a DIY trap. Here is how to do it:

  • Place small cardboard boxes around your house.
  • Place some glue and some food in the boxes to attract the cockroaches.
  • Wait a bit. You will eventually trap cockroaches and other insects.
  • Place the boxes in airtight bags.
  • Throw out the bags in the trash outside.

3. Plaster

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Another way to eliminate cockroaches is with a plaster based recipe.

  • Mix 1 part plaster, one part flour, and one part powdered sugar.
  • Pour this mix in small bowls and place them all over your house.
  • Place cups with water beside the bowls.

These two mixtures will kill the cockroaches.

2. Ultrasonic repellent

You can try eliminating cockroaches with an ultrasonic repellent. Choose one that works for insects as well as for small rodents.

1. Let some light into your home


Cockroaches hate the cold, the light of day, and artificial light. You can eliminate them by opening your curtains and by leaving your lights on.


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