Do you sometimes hear some faint scratching and squeeking noises when there are no other noises in your house? There’s a chance your house is infested with mice! These rodents can feel at home in your house if you leave a few bread crums on the floor and once mice are in your house, it is hard to get rid of them, especially since they reproduce fast. Besides being present in your house, they tend to cause tons of small damages like nibbling on your electric cords, and living inside your walls. If they have taken over your country house or your cottage that is often uninhibated, it’s normal you’re not sure how to fix this problem. Of course, it’s possible to call an exterminator that will cost you a lot of money or to use mice traps, but there exists natural remedies that are less expensive and less cruel. These remedies will help you get rid of these indesirable rodents without killing them.
13. How to avoid mice from entering your home

Mice are never very far, especially if you live in the countryside. This is why it’s essential to make sure to always close your outdoor doors well and to have fly screens in all your windows when you do leave them open, even if they are upstairs. Mice are very good climbers.
Also, make sure of always keeping your kitchen pantry clean so you don’t attract them.
12. Inspect your house

It is important to check everywhere, from the attick to the foundations of your house. It is often in these dark and dusty places where mice hang out, so they can live with no disruptions.
Verify that there are no cracks near your windows. Even a small gap of 1 centimeter is enough for a mouse to enter your home. Verify in your garage, in your ventilation system, in your pipes and in your chimney to make sure there are no mice.
11. Pepper and lemon

Moldy pepper and lemon release odors that mice despise. Cut a lemon in half and let it get moldy, then place it in a small plate. Sprinkle some pepper around th lemon and place the plate where you’ve noticed mice.
10. Cat litter

If you don’t have a cat or your cat is a lousy hunter, its litter can help you. The litter releases a strong odor that your animal loves, but that mice hate! Choose the kind with the strongest odor and place it along the walls of your home and in front of your windows and doors.
9. Mint essential oil

Again, this is about odor. Mice hate the smell of mint essential oil. Put a few drops on a cloth and place it where you’ve seen mice.
8. Sage, bay leaf and eucalyptus

This trick is great since it’s useful and enjoyable. Mice hate the smell of these 3 odors, so plant some herb pots and leave them all around your home. It is also possible to get their essential oil, that is more concentrated, or get yourself eucalyptus cleaning products.
7. Ultrasounds

If none of these remedies have worked yet, but you still want to save some money, you can always use an ultrasound machine. You can buy this machine in gardening shops and it will help get rid of mice since they hate this sound that is, thankfully inaudible to humans.
6. A glue plate

You can make a homemade trap with a plate slathered in glue. This will immobilize the mouse.
- Place a plate where you’ve noticed mice.
- Make sure you can retrieve the plate.
- Don’t place the plate in a dusty area since the glue might lose some adhesion after a few days.
5. Hyacinth

You can chase away mice in your house with hyacinth flowers. It’s a great natural remedy. Here is how to use this trick:
- Once you’ve found where the mice hide, spray these areas with hyacinth essential oil.
- You can also place some fresh hyacinth flowers on the area.
4. Steel wool

Steel wool is an effective and simple way of making sure mice don’t enter your home.
- Install some steel wool where the mice hide.
- Caulk some steel wool around your outdoor pipes.
- Put some steel wool in holes and cracks and block them completely by applying some plaster to those areas.
3. Plants

Here are a few plants, flowers and shrubs you can plant in your garden or keep in your house to repel mice:
- Peppermint
- Incarvillea
- Mint
- Crown Imperials
- Absinthe
- Caper spurge
- Chives
2. A cat

If you like cats, why not use this animal to get rid of invasive mice from your home? You could, for example, keep your friend’s cat for a few weeks.
1. Use a tea bag and some essential oil

All you need to do is:
- Prepare a cup of peppermint tea.
- Place some tea bags all around your house where you have noticed mice or spiders.
- Place 4 tea bags in every spot where the mice have been.
You can also:
- Use some essential oil to do the same thing.
- Pour 10-15 drops of peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle with some water and spray it everywhere in your house. Don’t forget to spray your tea bags.
- Useful Tips For home
- Healthy food House