CELLULITE: All you ever wanted to know about this subject!

To help demystify cellulite, two New York dermatologists specializing in cellulite give us their opinion and explain the causes.


Everyone is subject to get cellulite, everyone hates it and everyone is looking for ways to eradicate this alveolar nuisance that weighs on our thighs, buttocks and bellies. Although most women have cellulite, misinformation about it is just as common as these dimples on our skin. The problem with cellulite is that even experts do not always agree on the treatments and its causes, which makes it even more difficult to separate the myths from the facts. To help demystify the subject, two New York dermatologists specializing in cellulite give us their opinion on what is cellulite, what causes it and if there is hope to eliminate these dreaded dimples.

7. What is it?


First of all, it is not excess fat. According to Robyn Gmyrek, MD, founder of Columbia University’s Cosmetic Skin and Laser Center, these dimples you see are the result of fat cells that grow against the skin on fibrous connective tissue bands.

Jeannette Graf, MD, an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York, agrees, saying that cellulite has nothing to do with weight.

“People are dieting and still have cellulite,” she says.

6. What are the causes of cellulite?

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Here is where things get difficult. According to Gmyrek, no one really knows why cellulite is developing, but our experts have several probable causes that are often blamed for this skin problem.


Dr. Gmyrek says it’s not clear if genetics play a role, although she says there seems to be a connection between the two: “You may have genetic predisposition, but gene expression may be modified by your lifestyle choices. ”

Dr. Graf, however, believes that some people are born with a higher risk of developing cellulite: “Cellulitis is genetic […] We start to see it appear when we are in our twenties.”

5. Lymphatic system


You are probably wondering what the lymphatic system does. Basically, it serves as a drainage system, which helps the body to get rid of waste – much like a sewer system, according to Graf. She believes that lymph nodes can become swollen by unhealthy habits, such as poor diet and lack of exercise, which can increase the appearance of cellulite.

4. Aging


People often think that getting older causes cellulite, but both doctors agree that it is not necessarily the age that is causing the problem – it is rather that the effects of mature skin make cellulite more visible. “The incidence does not seem to increase with age, however, it may seem worse because, as the skin ages, it loses its elasticity and subsides further,” says Gmyrek.

3. Toxins and diet

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Contrary to what many cellulite creams claim, Graf does not believe that toxins cause cellulite. However, she firmly believes that diet plays a role. “What I would say is that what you eat can make cellulite worse if it’s not healthy,” she says. She also believes that inflammatory foods such as dairy and soft drinks can make the situation worse.

2. So, how do you get rid of cellulite?

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This is the question everyone asks, but here is the bad news: the two doctors say there is no cure.

“There is no permanent solution, no matter how invasive, or expensive,” says Gmyrek. The dermatologist says that even though individual dimples may disappear, if you are predisposed to cellulite, your body will continue to produce it.

Certainly, there are many things you can do to minimize cellulite with and without the help of expensive medical treatments.

1. At Home


People often think they can get rid of dimples, but it’s far from the truth. According to Gmyrek, even the most dedicated gym enthusiasts are still struggling with dimpled buttocks and thighs. However, regular cardiovascular and muscle training tones muscles and reduces the appearance of cellulite. Gmyrek also points to data that suggests that very stressful lifestyles increase the hormones that produce adrenaline and norepinephrine. These hormones are associated with the production of cellulite. Better to go to yoga or meditation to avoid cellulite!


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