15 beauty hacks for glowing skin

If you find your skin lacks radiance and glow, these beauty hacks will help make your skin radiate like never before!


What does Jennifer Lopez have that we don’t? If you’re thinking “she has a gorgeous complexion”, then you will love this beauty article. Adding a natural glow to your skin is actually really easy. To do it, you just have to changes a few things to your beauty routine. You’re wondering how to do this? Here are a few valuable tips to get radiant skin.

15. Check if your exfoliant has these ingredients

La Blackeuse

Of course, you probably already heard that an exfoliant is important, but to get radiant skin, it’s a must. Try exfoliants that contain alpha hydroxy acids, like glycolic acid, to get a really beautiful complexion. Also, home peels are also a great and efficient way to get smooth and uniform skin and usually contain up to 30% glycolic acid.

14. Do a body detox

Secrets de Beautés / Overblog

It’s true that how you feel on the inside reflects on the outside. Skin conditions develop when the skin can’t efficiently eliminate toxins, which happens when other eliminating organs are also overloaded. Talk to a healthcare professional to find a detox program that works for you or decharge your system and benefit from nice skin by proceeding this way:

  • Drink hot water with lemon every day to help eliminate body toxins.
  • Cut sugar and alcohol from your diet for a couple of days (at least 5) to give your body and skin a break.
  • Increase your fresh fruit and vegetable intake to increase nutrients in your system.
  • Avoid salty snacks that can cause bloating and water retention.

13. Consume foods that contain antioxidants

Docteur Bonne Bouffe

Two great sources of antioxidants are green tea and grape seed extract. “These powerful bioflavonoids play a unique role in the protection of vitamin C against oxidation, which allows your skin to get more benefits”, explains Amy Chalmers, CDT, and spokesperson of USANA Health Sciences. “They also play a supplementary role [for the organism] by helping the skin look younger and more radiant by defending itself against the elements like the sun, stress, and pollution that can damage the skin collagen and accelerate the visible signs of aging.

12. Try coconut oil

Santé Nature Innovation

Virgin coconut oil has the capacity of restoring and of rejuvenating damaged skin. It heals, repairs and leaves your skin looking radiant. Coconut oil has great antioxidant properties and helps destroy free radicals. It will also uniform your skin, and give it a great texture and a subtle glow.

11. Use makeup that will make you glow

Top Santé

Try this celebrity beauty secret to get a ‘glowing from the inside’ look: apply a lightening skin cream under your makeup. Choose a highlighter instead of bronzer and apply it everywhere where the sun hits your face, including your forehead, your nose, and your cheekbones.

10. Get your daily dose of vitamin C


Vitamins for your skin are very important, especially vitamin C, since it’s the key ingredient to achieve uniform and clear skin, notes Erin Ferrill, Director of Brand Management & Education at HydroPeptide. “The clarifying virtues of this well-known vitamin is the perfect companion for people who have aging spots, skin damaged by the sun, or people that simply want to wear makeup”, explains Mrs. Ferrill. Note that when vitamin C and vitamin E are taken together, it is proven that they increase the skin’s capacity of protecting itself against the damages from the sun. There are even some who say that this vitamin combination could give your skin a natural solar protection (FPS) of 2 explains Mrs. Ferrill. “Even though this isn’t an excuse to stop using sunscreen, it’s an excellent way of giving your skin a chance to fight against the sun’s strong rays. Look for products that combine vitamin C, a gentle exfoliator, and natural lightening skin agents like bearberry, licorice, blackberry and lightening peptides.

9. Suck an ice cube


Did you know that sucking an ice cube cools the millions of cells in your cheeks and your lips which triggers an increase in the blood flow and gives you a plumped and rosy skin tone? Well, according to Annie Tevelin, founder of SkinOwl, it does!

8. Try fresh juices

Bonheur et santé

We are sure you’ve already heard that glowing skin starts with what you eat, but when you’re a busy woman how are you suppose to have a constantly balanced diet? By drinking fresh juice! Jayna DiMartino, a HydroPeptide Educator in California, says she gets her daily dose of vegetables by adding kale, broccoli, spinach, chard, celery, cucumber, ginger and beets in her morning juices.

7. Remember: vitamins B and D are the answer

Not only does vitamin B increases the blood flow towards your cells, but it is also essential for the regeneration of skin and slows down the signs of aging, says Julia Papworth, a makeup artist. “Increasing vitamin B in your system translates by a decrease in redness and skin irritants.” Also, Jolie Martin, Director and Expert in skin care at the SKINNEY Medspa in New York suggests taking some vitamin D. “If it has a deficiency in vitamin D, your skin can seem sluggish and can be more congested.”

6. Sleep, sleep, sleep

Sleep affects your well-being as well as your physical and mental health. “When you sleep, you allow your body to start its recovery process”, says Chalmers.

5. Apply your skin treatments from the bottom to the top


When you apply your hydrating cream, apply it from the bottom of your face to the top, and not the contrary. Start by your neck and go up with your hands towards your forehead and from the middle of your face to your cheekbones. You will get a lifting effect.

4. Avoid applying your face cream around your eyes

If you apply the same cream you use on your face around your eyes, you need to stop doing this immediately. This is a bad habit to have because your face cream contains too much water for your eye area. This skin is so fragile and delicate that it tends to absorb everything, so if you apply a cream rich in water in this area, it will inflate and you will get puffy eyes. Therefore, it is best to buy a cream that is made to use around your eye area.

3. Get rid of the excess sebum



It is essential that you hydrate your skin even if you have oily skin. Hydrating actually regulates your skin’s production of sebum.

2. Avoid wrinkles by taking into account your blood flow


To avoid getting wrinkles, apply your eye cream from the interior of your eye to the exterior of your eye. It is also important to think about the lymphatic drainage. Here is how to do a mini-drainage at home:

  • With the tip of your index finger, gently massage with small circular movements from the interior corner of your eye to the exterior of your eye.
  • Go around your eye.
  • Repeat these movements a dozen times.

1. Apply your foundation with your fingers


Forget makeup brushes. Use your fingers to apply your liquid foundation because your hands create heat. Consequently, they allow the molecules in the makeup to work together. When the foundation is warmed, it will blend well with your skin and will give you a more natural look.


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