If you own a lot of clothes, you know that organizing and storing your things can quickly turn into a nightmare, whether it’s organizing your closet or your different dressers in your room. You’re lucky you have many cute outfits to wear during the week, but you still have to find them among all your other clothes. Here are a few organization tricks to help you organize your numerous article of clothing and to optimize the space in your wardrobe.
1. Give away or recycle before organizing

Before organizing your wardrobe or your closet, take the time to give away objects or clothes that you don’t use or wear anymore. You can also recycle certain objects into creative projects.
2. Create double clothes hangers

Use an old can tab to hang two hangers together, you will save a lot of space in your wardrobe.
3. Use shower curtain hoops for your scarves

Install shower curtain hoops at the base of your hanger to hang your scarf. This trick also works well with belts and ties.
4. Organize your t-shirt

Once you start folding your t-shirts this way, you’ll ask yourself why you didn’t do this earlier. You will also save a lot of space in your drawers.
5. Use hangers in clever ways

This circular hanger is made for belts but it is also very practical for very light items of clothing: instead of filling your closet with more than 10 different hangers for your complete collection of camisoles, use one of these hangers to hang them all together.
6. Add more than one closet rod

It’s not complicated: two closet rods are better than one – and this closet shown above even has three. Hang long items like dresses on the highest rod and shirts on the lower rod.
7. Easily store voluminous objects

Jean shorts and thick sweaters take too much space in drawers but also don’t hang well on hangers. The best solution? This unit (made for storing shoes!) is easy to use: Roll your sweaters or jeans and store them individually.
8. Add some storage on top

The higher, the better. If you add additional shelves on top of the clothing rods in your closet, you can store your out of season clothing instead of storing them with your other clothes.
9. Store your shorts on individual hoops

Instead of stacking thick shorts one on top of the other, make special hangers for each pair during the summer with old shower curtain hoops. When the temperature drops, you can replace the hoops with pants and store away your shorts.
10. Sort everything

Sort everything: you will spend less time looking for specific pieces.
11. Group your clothes together by item type

Group your things by type of clothes. For example, group together your dresses, pants, camisoles, and anything else. You can also use a color code.
12. Standardize your hangers

By standardizing your hangers, you will already have a considerably neater wardrobe.
14. Optimize the storage space on your shelves

Measure your shelves and buy some storage bins that are the right dimension and will fit on your shelves. Store objects and clothes that you wear less often.
15. Divide your storage bins

- Take a piece of cardboard of the same dimension as your bin.
- Measure diagonally the bin.
- Cut your cardboard so you can slide it into the bin diagonally.
16. Put away your clothes every day

“You don’t have any excuses. Hang, fold or wash your clothes at the end of every day. End of story.”, says Tidy Tova, a professional organizer, and blogger. Every evening, spend a few minutes putting away your clothes. This will make your life more enjoyable in the long run.
17. BONUS TRICK: Invest in dividers

Invest in dividers to transform your chaotic underwear drawer into a simplified system. This way, you will always find your stockings or the specific pair of socks you love.
18. Here is a video tutorial to help you with your organization
- Good Housekeeping
- Woman’s Day
- HGTV Handmade