We all have a tendency of collecting too many objects during our life. It is normal that our house rapidly becomes the prey of household messes. It’s important, obviously, to put away all our various objects daily to avoid having to face messes but we can also have recourse to different organizational methods to help us keep things neat. Here are 20 smart ways to organize your entire house.
1. Store your remote control and video game remotes

It is annoying to always have to look for the television or video game remote. You can fix this problem by sticking velcro strips on your television unit and on your remotes. You will never lose your remotes again.
2. Organize your linens in an ingenious way

To store your linens in an ingenious way and to optimize your space to the maximum, fold your sheets and place them in pillowcases. You will save tons of space and have a very organized linen closet.
3. Make your kids eat their whole lunch

If your kids are at the age when they know about Easter eggs, why not place some with food in them for their lunch? You can place some vegetables or some crackers in the plastic eggs. It’s a fun way to make them eat their entire lunch.
4. Hang your small beauty accessories in your bathroom

If you’re one of those people that have a lot of small beauty accessories like nail clippers, tweezers, bobby pins, etc., you can hang them on a sticky magnetic strip. Stick it to your wall or in your bathroom drawer. You will avoid wasting time to look for them all the time.
5. Store your plastic bags

Do you accumulate a lot of plastic bags? To avoid having them in different places in your house, store them in empty tissue boxes.
6. Here is a very easy tip to organize your accessories

For fashion accessory amateurs, save space in your closet by installing on your bedroom walls some wood planks with elastic hooks. You can hang your sunglasses, your scarves as well as your headphones.
7. Stick your hard drive

You want more space on your desk? Put some velcro stickers under your desk and stick, for example, your external hard drive.
8. Make more space in your closet

To make space in your closet, you can always add some moldings on your walls. In this way, you will be able to hang your shoe collection.
9. Optimize the space in your fridge

Store your food in plastic bins in your fridge to keep it neat and tidy.
10. Avoid your cables from falling behind your desk

It is very annoying to look always look for electric cables. They always end up falling behind our desk. Thankfully, it is possible to fix this problem by putting paper clips on our work desk.
11. Sort your papers in one of your kitchen cabinet

Take your take-out menus, your coupons, your stamps and other stray papers and file them in different categories that you hang in a folder in one of your kitchen cabinet doors.
12. Tidy up your kitchen counters daily

Tidy up your kitchen counters. Store your packaged food in your pantry, put your clean dishes away, clean your counters and the sink.
13. Fix a board on your kitchen wall to save space

You don’t have enough space in your kitchen? Fix a board (available in hardware stores) on your wall and add metal hooks to install kitchen accessories you often use.
14. Clean out your fridge

Take out and throw out all your half-eaten meals and any expired foods. Make a list of what you need to replace and hang it on your fridge door.
15. Organize your kitchen drawers

Useless tools, old lids, tons of pens…you will be surprised by what hides in there. Empty your drawers and sort everything by category. Get rid of broken objects or anything you have in duplicate, then put everything back but add dividers and trays to your drawers.
16. Keep your grocery lists

Keep some of your old receipts and make a general list of what you often buy by regrouping items by where they are in the store. Print it and hang it in your kitchen.
17. Organize by colour

Assign everyone in your house a colour and use it as an organizer throughout your home. The toothbrush, the towel, the laundry basket, and even the sheets of every family member can be coordinated by colour. This will make looking for objects much easier.
18. Use bread clips to identify the television cables

Stop trying to guess which wire goes with which electronic device: write on bread clips what each wire is for.