Find Out The Easiest Way to Harvest and Keep Your Aloe Gel

Aloe is a practical plant in more than one respect. This is an exceptional balm to treat sunburns and minor burns. Learn how to harvest it!


Aloe is a practical plant in more than one respect. This is an exceptional balm.This allows, among other things, to treat sunburns and minor burns. It is also a good moisturizer for the skin and hair. So you have many advantages in growing this plant with many benefits and keeping it.

Find out how to grow and keep your Aloe gel right now!

4. How to pick the right one?

in hindi – blogger
  • Choose a strong and healthy aloe for better results. You want it to be powerful.

  • Take a thick, long leaf at the bottom of the plant.
  • Cut the sheet with a sharp pair of scissors or a sharp knife. Once its cut, you should see the gel you are looking for in between the leaves.

3. Cutting the aloe.
  • Place your aloe leaf vertically in a container with the cut side down.
  • Wait a few minutes. You will see red or yellowish liquid pouring out of the leaf. This is the aloin. This gel causes stomach pain and diarrhea. Let it flow completely.

2. Harvest all the gel

  • Place the sheet on a clean cutting board and cut the edges.
  • Remove the top of the light green part of the flesh from the leaf.
  • Turn the sheet and do the same thing on the other side.

1. Did you know you can freeze your aloe gel?

  • Add pieces of aloe gel in a blender.
  • Turn on until it gets liquid.
  • Pour your gel into an ice cube tray.
  • Leave in the freezer and use when needed.


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