This method to grow cucumbers is a space saver!

The more time advances, the more everything around us is perfected. This is also true for gardening and cucumber cultivation.


Vertical gardening can seem like a strange concept, but there are many ways to actually do it. This method has become more popular lately since it allows gardeners to save space in their background as well as facilitating the harvesting process.

A new way of gardening

The vertical method is particularly recommended for cultivating cucumbers, or else, they take too much space. Read the rest of the article to know how to cultivate cucumbers vertically and facilitate your daily gardening tasks.

Cucumbers usually take from 12 to 20 square feet if they are planted in the old-fashioned way. By planting them vertically, you save a lot of space, by planting them on raised beds, containers or on small plots of land.

1. First, find an appropriate container and wire mesh

To do this, you will need a 12 inch deep and wide container. Since cucumbers can be of different varieties, they need to be treated differently. For example, if you are cultivating the ‘vine’ type, they will grow, and if you are cultivating a leafy kind, they will stay short.

2. Find an appropriate wire mesh size/Provide proper support

If you want them to grow, cucumbers need height support that you can obtain by putting in place a wire mesh fence, garden net, or lattice panelling. If you decide to opt for the lattice panelling, make sure you find some that are 6 feet maximum. Remember to buy stiff lattice panellings so they don’t bend.

When you place them, keep the inferior part 6 inches above the ground. By doing this, you diminish the weeding and culture process. Also, place the lattices in a removed part of your garden so the vines don’t create shade on your other plants.

Prepare the planting zone

It is really important to have the earth ready for the planting. Firstly, you need to dig an 8-inch hole. Then mix it in with a 1-inch coat of compost and work the earth.

You can do it by using a sturdy garden rake: bring back the earth all along the panelling. This step is useful because it lifts the seedbed 2-3 inches above the ground.

3. Plantation and spreading

Here, the first thing you need to do is sow the seeds. You need to sow them either in a pot or directly in the marked area. Cover the seeds with 2 cm of earth.

Then, let the seeds sprout. When this process is finished and you’ve noticed small leaves growing, you need to transfer them. Start with the healthiest seeds and transfer them in a bigger pot or directly in the earth (make sure there is no frost). The best time to do this is in the Spring or Summer, so you have the most favourable weather (the ideal temperature is 20 C).

4. Certain variables make it possible to grow cucumbers vertically

  • Position

Cucumbers need to be exposed to the sun as often as possible. Also, the wind is not their friend, so make sure to keep them away from strong winds. If you try to grow them in temperatures below 10 C, they will never grow. The ideal temperature is between 15 C and 35 C.

  • Soil

Make sure the soil that you plant your cucumbers in is dry, deep and relaxed. The soil also needs to be organic and have a neutral pH level.

  • Water

It is crucial that water is available at all times when your grow cucumbers vertically. They need to be submerged in water at all times, so the soil is always humid. You will need to irrigate 1 inch of water every three to four days.

If you live in a dryer area, do it more often. When the vines start maturing, you need to increase the depth of your plantation to three to four inches. Also, don’t forget to keep the foliage away from water in order to avoid mushrooms sprouting.

  • Fertilizer

During the vertical cucumber’s growth, you need to use fertilizer but slowly place them in the ground. The vines need to be fecundated every 2 to 3 weeks. The flowering of the first plant is an indicator that you need to treat them with aged manure. Alternatively, you can use liquid organic fertilizer diluted at the root. Do this when you water the plants.

The plants cannot be over-nourished because this will ruin the leaves and will conclude with having fewer flowers and vegetables.

  • Supplementary tips :

Cucumbers conserve themselves better when they are picked so you encourage the vines to grow, to flower and to reproduce more. Don’t forget to ensure that no animals nor insects ravage your plants.

Source: Diet of Life