10 tips that help dealing with pollen allergies

The return of beautiful days is inevitably also the return of pollen allergies. If you have allergies, you need to read this.


If you are allergic to pollen, you probably are anxious about the arrival of spring. The need for warmer days and of going outside can easily transform itself in a fear of allergy symptoms. It is obviously not pleasant to have irritated and red eyes, a blocked nose, or a never-ending need to sneeze. To help you out, here are 10 tips to follow! 

1. Avoid the great outdoors

Unfortunately, the first solution is not complicated, you need to stop going on walks, running or picnicking in the great outdoors on very hot days.

The worst time to go outside: just before a thunderstorm, the pollen will be even more present.

2. Wash your hair

If you went outside and pollen attached itself to your hair, it will end up finding itself on your pillowcase during the night and your ordeal will continue even during your sleep.

Try to change your clothes also when you go back to your house to avoid living with the symptoms all day long.

3. Use a saline solution

Cleaning your nose with a saline solution is an affordable and simple way to relieve inflamed nasal canals because of an allergy.

4. Privilege natural antihistamines

You can find natural antihistamines in onions, garlic and citrus. They help reduce allergy symptoms.

5. Try acupuncture

When medication or natural ingredients don’t help reduce your symptoms enough, acupuncture can also be a possible solution. According to a German study, people that get acupuncture are less prone to get intense allergy symptoms.

German researchers examined 422 people allergic to pollen by dividing them into 3 groups; one group taking antihistamines and also doing acupuncture. Two months after the experiment, they noticed that this group had less allergic symptoms than the other groups.

6. Opt for desensitization

Desensitization is sometimes the only solution in the worst of cases. This consists of receiving small doses of allergens for three years so the body can get used to it and not induce more reactions when in contact with pollen.

A skin test allows detecting which pollen you are allergic to. After, you need to take the proper treatment by injections by your physician. Since recently, there exist tablets to melt under your tongue, but it is only for allergies related to grass.

7. Wear sunglasses and a hat


This very simple tip can help you avoid many hassles if you are allergic to pollen. In fact, by wearing sunglasses, you will avoid accumulating pollen deposits in your eyes. Also, hats protect your hair from pollen on birch trees or grass.

8. Keep away from tobacco and smoke

Not only is smoking bad for your health, but it can also aggravate your allergic reactions. You have one more reason to stop smoking or to never smoke again!

9. Don’t open your windows when you’re in your car

This is another very simple tip, but a very effective one. When you drive with your windows closed, you avoid getting pollen in your eyes as well as accumulating some in your car. Sneezing while you’re driving isn’t pleasant nor secure…

10. Don’t go swimming

Femme Actuelle

Even if swimming is one of the joys of summer, studies have shown that chlorine is bad for the mucous membrane in the nose as well as for the eyes. Consequently, if these membranes are weakened, they can be attacked more easily by allergy pollens. It is best to avoid pools and its chlorine filled water.

Sources :

  • M6info
  • Playbuzz
  • cnewsmatin.fr