10 things to know in order to always have a spotless room

If having a tidy and clean room is an everyday struggle for you, here are a few tips that could help you out.


Most people have trouble keeping their house tidy and clean. If you find it challenging to organize your house, keeping your room clean will probably also be a problem for you, since all your personal things are stored there. Thankfully, a few tips can help keep things in order. Here are a few tips to help you keep your room spotless at all times.

1. Store your personal belongings in the same place


This seems obvious but always try to store your personal belongings in the same place. You will avoid losing them and you’ll spend way less time looking for them. This tip is useful for anything you own: objects, accessories or your clothes.

2. Store away the clothes you don’t wear


Is your hat and pair of gloves taking up space on your chest of drawers for the past month now but we’re now approaching summer? You can store them in your wardrobe or in a storing container in which you store your other seasonal clothes. It is also a good idea to keep a dedicated space for the clothes you wear less often. It is a great way to save space and to stay neat.

3. Sort your clothes

Canal Vie

Take the time to clean out your wardrobe every 6 months. In fact, look at the clothes you have and sort them in different piles (clothes you wear all the time, clothes for special occasions, clothes you don’t wear that much and clothes you never wear). There are probably some pieces that you haven’t worn in a long time. If it is the case, give them away! You will add space in your wardrobe and make someone else happy at the same time!

4. Use storage boxes


Storage boxes are very practical to tidy up your bedroom but they are also useful in any other room of your house. You can put books inside them, seasonal clothes, photo albums, or other various objects that you wish you put away.

5. Optimize the space in your room


If you think you need more space in your bedroom to store all your stuff, think again. You can, for example, store your personal belongings under your bed by placing your stuff in bags or bins. You can also install shelves on the walls or a shoe holder on the door of your wardrobe. There are many ways in which you can optimize the storing space in your bedroom. All you need is a little bit of imagination.

6. Always have a hamper in your bedroom


Avoid throwing your dirty clothes on the floor. This makes your bedroom look dirty and it doesn’t look good. Instead, make sure you always have a hamper on hand. So, when you change your clothes, you have a place for your dirty clothes.

7. Store your books


It is not necessary to keep your old magazines from the 80s. You can easily put them in the recycling. If you have a lot of books, place them in a library or on shelves. This will make everything look neater than if you pile your books on your bedside table or on the floor.

8. Try a new decoration

Appartement 58

Tidying up makes your discouraged? Why not motivate yourself with new decorations? When we like our environment, we are more likely to take care of it and to keep it clean. You can change your furniture, place them in a different way or buy new home accessories.

9. Remove any dust in your room


It is important to take the time to vacuum and a mop your room. Dust and dirt can accumulate quite rapidly. Take the time every week to make sure no dust collects on your furniture: you will feel much happier in your bedroom.

10. Clean up progressively

Seinplement pour moi

If you want to avoid cleaning your room for a few hours every week, clean up after yourself daily. This will help keep your room tidy and clean at all times.

