Here are some security rules to follow when you’re travelling

Going on vacation takes a lot of preparation. You also have to follow certain security rules to make sure that your holiday is pleasant.


Security is extremely important when you are travelling. Especially if you are going to a foreign country. If you follow some simple rules, you will be able to fully take advantage of your vacation, and you won’t have to worry about your money or your health. Here are a few tips that will help make your vacation unforgettable and reduce all your stress while you are abroad. 

1. Avoid paying by card

Chef d’entreprise Magazine

If you don’t wish to get your card data stolen, use Google Pay or Apple Pay. These computer platforms will keep your accounts secure.

2. Register yourself at your country’s embassy

ACS – Assurances

If it’s possible, do it just after you’ve arrived. The embassy’s agents will register your data and communicate with you and your family in case of an emergency. Each Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a website where their contact details are listed.

3. Ensure your personal belongings

Chez Bru

Always keep in mind that your laptop, telephone or camera can be very attractive to thieves. This is why it is best to ensure your electronic devices before going somewhere: if you lose them or if they fall into the ocean, your insurance company will compensate for the damages.

4. Place your high-value objects in a safe

If you’re not sure if the safe in your room is secure, keep all your valuable objects in the hotel’s safe. But don’t forget to take a receipt to be able to get your stuff back.

5. Register your family’s phone numbers and the embassy’s number in your cellphone

Note down all the necessary telephone numbers as well as your email address in the official language of the country you are visiting. Also, you can take screenshots of them for your phone so someone can see them even if your phone is locked in case of an emergency.

6. Don’t drink alcohol with strangers

Drinking with strangers in a bar can seem exciting and fun but it can also put you in some dangerous situations. The least terrible thing that can happen is that you lose your money and other personal objects. Be careful when you go out in a bar when you’re travelling.

7. Eat in the same spots as the locals


If you don’t know where to eat when you’re travelling, check out street cafes where locals usually meet. If you travel to South East Asia where people love spicy foods, order a “milder” version. It is also important that you wash all the fruits and vegetables that you intend to consume with distilled water, no matter where you bought them. If in doubt, remove the skin.

8. Ask locals the possible dangers that you could encounter during your travels

Aux fourneaux

Before venturing somewhere, you need to know when you shouldn’t go, even during the daytime. The locals of the region (as well as various forums online) can be very useful since they know different and interesting itineraries and the country’s characteristics.

9. Make a few copies of your important documents


Never take your documents with you and always try to keep them in a safe. Make a few copies of all your important documents, place them inside all your bags, and have a few copies with you when you leave your hotel.

10. Share your itinerary with your family and friends and inform them of any changes by email

Plan your itinerary (night stops, the list of cities to visit) and send it your family and friends. Send one email per day and inform them of any schedule change.

11. Dress and act like a local


Thieves are very attentive and can always easily spot a tourist in a big crowd. Of course, it is impossible to protect yourself completely but if you look like a local, the risk of you getting your stuff stolen is much lower.

