You Only Need One Product To Clean Your Entire Bathroom: WD-40

WD-40 is much more than just a lubricant. This product can help you in many ways on a daily basis, even to clean your bathroom.


It is not without reason that most people have WD-40 in their homes. This multi-purpose product has tremendous potential. In fact, although this product is initially used as a lubricant, it can remove stains and wash many objects. It is also possible to protect some household goods from corrosion with WD-40. If you have WD-40 in your home, here are some practical ways to use it on a daily basis.

1. Remove paint from your shoes

It can happen, when we paint a room in our house, that we drop paint on our shoes. Fortunately, you can clean your shoes by spraying WD-40 on them.

2. Prevent condensation from appearing on bathroom mirrors

Tired of condensation on your bathroom mirrors? To avoid this problem, simply spray WD-40 on your mirror and remove the excess water. You will see a thin film on your mirror. It will prevent fogging when it comes time to take your shower.

3. Clean your electronic items

In case you have electronic equipment to clean, you can spray WD-40, let it penetrate your parts and rub them with a cloth.

4. Protect your silver jewellery from tarnishing

It is possible to protect your jewellery against discolouration with WD-40. To do this, take a cloth and put WD-40 on it. It is no more complicated than that!

5. Clean your sink

Scrub stains from stainless steel sinks with WD-40!

6. Make an old ballpoint pen work again

You can repair an old pen to clean it. Simply spray WD-40 on the tip of the ball-point to clean it. This will allow you to reuse it instead of throwing it away.

7. Clean pencil marks from your cell phone

To remove pencil marks on your cell phone, spray WD-40 on the screen and wipe it with a soft cloth.

8. Remove gum from your hair

Your child came home from school with chewing gum in his hair? Don’t panic! Spray a little WD-40 on the chewing gum and comb your child’s hair. However, it is important to practice this trick in a well-ventilated area and make sure that the WD-40 does not come into contact with your child’s eyes.

9. Separate glasses stuck together

It is not uncommon for glasses to be stuck together. If this situation occurs, spray WD-40 between the two glasses. Wait for the product to slip between your glasses and gently pull on them to unstuck them. Once you have managed to loosen them, don’t forget to wash them.

10. Prevent your watch from getting caught in your wrist hairs

If your wrist hairs are constantly getting stuck in your watch, simply spray a small amount of WD-40 on the bracelet of your watch and then wipe it down.

11. Exterminate cockroaches and repel insects

Having cockroaches, spiders and other unwanted insects in your home is not very pleasant. Fortunately, they can be disposed of without too much difficulty. One way to do this is to spray WD-40 on the cockroach when you see it. This will allow you to kill it instantly. You can also keep insects and spiders away by spraying WD-40 on window sills, frames, screens and door frames, in other words, all areas where these bugs can enter.

Caution: Do not use this tip if you have babies or young children at home.

12. Polish your scissors

Scissors can easily become sticky over time, especially if you do crafts. However, you can keep this stickiness at bay by polishing them with WD-40.

13. Remove tea stains

It is possible to remove tea stains on the counter using WD-40. Simply spray a small amount of this product on a damp sponge or cloth and wipe off the stain.

14. Remove stickers and price tags

It can be extremely difficult to remove a sticker on the window pane of a window. To do this without difficulty, simply cover your sticker with WD-40 and gently remove it.

15. Have a sparkling clean toilet

WD-40 is an excellent cleaning product. In fact, it removes stains or limescale build-up that may be found in your toilet. To use it, spray this product into your toilet bowl, wait a few seconds, then rub your bowl with a toilet brush.

16. Make your boots and shoes waterproof

You can make your boots and shoes waterproof during the winter season by spraying a coat of WD-40 on them. The lubricant will act as a barrier against water. Fantastic, isn’t it?

17. Protect your bird feeder

Squirrels frequently steal seeds from bird feeders. However, you can keep them away from them by spraying the centre of the feeder with WD-40. They will slip as soon as they try to grab onto the bird structure.

18. Defrost your windows

To prevent your windows from frosting during the winter season, you can spray WD-40 on them and remove excess product. This tip will prevent ice from accumulating on your windows.

19. Remove grime from your telephone keys

Telephone handsets tend to get dirty over time. To clean them, unplug them, spray WD-40 on your device and clean the buttons with a cloth.

20. Remove crayon marks on walls

Your children have probably already drawn pictures on your walls. Instead of fighting with a sponge and soap for hours to remove crayon marks, spray a little WD-40 on your wall and rub the surface to be washed.


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