Things Bohemian Rhapsody Got Wrong About Freddie Mercury And Movie Related Drama

Find out juicy secrets of the band and everything the movie Bohemian Rhapsody got wrong about Freddie Mercury and Queen.


Bohemian Rhapsody was one of the most popular movies of 2018. Rami Malek, who played Freddie Mercury, won the Oscar for Best Actor so it is safe to say this movie was loved by many. However, the movie about Queen and Freddie was not 100% accurate and before and during filming, there was a lot of drama. Here are all the juicy details.

1. Fletcher got robbed

Photo by David M. Benett/Dave Benett/WireImage

Bryan Singer was the original director of the movie but he got fired from Fox a few weeks before the end of filming because he wanted a filming hiatus since his mother was very sick. Fox replaced Singer with Dexter Fletcher for the last two weeks but Fletcher never got any credit for finishing the movie. Yikes.

2. Freddie wasn’t supposed to be played by Rami

Photo by Leon Bennett/WireImage

Sacha Baron Cohen was supposed to play Freddie Mercury. He left the project because of creative differences.

3. Yes, he actually was that obsessed with cats

Photo Credit: @peachyflicker / Twitter

Freddie did have a real love for cats. He owned 10 cats and when he was on the road, he would call to talk to his cats because he missed them.

4. ‘Fake Bono’ appears in the movie

Photo Credit: @KennJB / Twitter

Did you notice Bono from U2 during the lead-up to the Live Aid show when Freddie enters the stage at Wembley Stadium? No, it’s not the actual Bono but the actor does look a lot like him!

5. Rami got the part because of his jawline

Photo Credit: @Variety / Twitter

Rami thinks he only got the part because he had a similar jawline to Freddie.

6. The Live Aid Concert was shot first

Photo Credit: @peachyflicker / Twitter

Even though this is the last scene of the movie, it was filmed first.

7. The timeline of Freddie’s AIDS diagnosis

Photo by Bob King/Redferns

In the movie, Freddie is diagnosed with AIDS before the Live Aid Concert but in reality, he was diagnosed after the show.

8. Malek worked with a movement coach

Photo Credit: @newslanes / Twitter

Rami worked with a movement coach to really get into character.

9. Rami Malek and Lucy Boynton are dating IRL

Photo by Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images

Lucy Boynton plays Freddie’s love interest. He was with this woman for six years and they even got engaged. Most people didn’t know he was bisexual and not gay.

10. Two voices

Photo Credit: @winterfellsnows / Twitter

Rami is not the best singer in the world so when you hear him sing in the movie, it is actually a blend of Rami, a singer named Marc Martel and Mercury himself.

11. Freddie wasn’t the only Queen member to go solo

Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Freddie wasn’t the only one to go solo. Drummer Roger Taylor also produced two solo albums.

12. Malek’s fake teeth

Photo by Dan MacMedan/Getty Images

Freddie Mercury has very noticeable teeth and Rami had trouble acting and kissing with the teeth. He actually kept the teeth after the end of the movie!

13. They used the real Queen costumes

Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Many of the costumes Rami wore were Freddie’s real clothes.

14. Malek and Freddie’s sister are now friends

Photo by Victor Boyko/Getty Images

Malek spoke to Freddie’s sister, Kashmira Cooke, to know more things about the singer. Even if the movie is done, they still hang out together.

15. Ray Foster never existed

Photo Credit: @Maxtaro / Twitter

Mike Myers plays the producer Ray Foster, who never existed. He is a kind of amalgam of all of the people who told Queen they would never get radios to play Bohemian Rhapsody.

16. How the band members met

Photo Credit: @TheRockMan13 / Twitter

In the movie, Freddie meets his bandmates when he attends a Smile show but many authorized biographies say Mercury already knew them because they shared an apartment together.

17. Freddie and Mary’s relationship

Photo by Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

In the movie, Freddie meets Mary at the Smile concert but in real life, they met while she was working as a receptionist at a clothing store.

18. When Freddie met Jim Hutton

Photo by Mark and Colleen Hayward/Redferns

Freddie met Jim Hutton at a London club called Heaven in the 80s but in the movie, Freddie meets him at a wild party at his home.

19. Director Brian Singer was difficult to work with

Photo Credit: @THR / Twitter

Bryan Singer was fired because he would show up late (or not show up at all), he would pick fights and annoyed Rami a lot.

20. Other drama with Brian Singer

Photo by Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic

The director is known to be a sexual predator. Men have been accusing him of sexual assault since 1997.

21. What really happened between Queen and John Reid

Photo Credit: @peachyflicker / Twitter

The movie dramatized Reid’s split with the band. In reality, the break-up was pretty peaceful.

22. The real Paul Prenter

Photo by Alberto Pezzali/NurPhoto via Getty Images

The real Paul Prenter was fired because he threw a huge party at Freddie’s house and the house was trashed. None of the other Queen members like Paul and they all thought he was a bad influence on Freddie.

23. 70s moustache

Photo Credit: @RamiMalekSource / Twitter

In the movie, Freddie sports a thick moustache and shorter hair when Brian teaches his bandmates the handclapping portion of “We Will Rock You” but in reality, he had long hair and no moustache when the actual recording of the song took place.

24. The breakup

Photo Credit: @winterfellsnows / Twitter

The movie made it seem as though Freddie broke up the band but in reality, all four members of Queen agreed that they needed a break.

25. Rami actually played the piano

Photo by Paul Marotta/Getty Images for 20th Century Fox

In the movie, Freddie plays for Mary the Bohemian Rhapsody piano intro and Rami actually learned it by heart so he could play it.

26. The band members who contributed to the movie

Photo by Richard E. Aaron/Redferns

Brian May and Roger Taylor were the only two band members who actively contributed to the creation of the film.

27. When Freddie revealed he was HIV-positive

Steve Jennings/WireImage

Freddie didn’t reveal he was HIV-positive to his bandmates at the live Aid London concert in real life. It still remains a mystery the date or time of when he contracted the illness.

28. When the band got back together

Express Newspapers/Getty Images

The band only got together 8 weeks before the Wembley Stadium performance. The movie got this wrong too!

Source: Postfun