Spring and summer are two exceptional seasons. In spring, nature is once again colored by flowers and trees, while summer is the perfect time of year to go to the beach or to be sunbaked in your backyard, with a good book in your hands. Few people do not like these seasons, and rightly so!
Despite the fact that spring and summer make us want to be more daring in our clothing or stylistic choices by opting for more colorful or light pieces, not all trends are made for us. Indeed, it has to be said that some songs can add 5, even 10 years more!
Fortunately, there are a few dress and styling rules that you can use as tips to get dressed for the coming seasons. Keep in mind that these guidelines should be used as a guide. Everyone is different. That being said, here are 20 fashion mistakes that make you look older than you really are!
1. Avoid the stylist

Spring and summer allow you to lighten your hair to give it a new shiny color. Even if you don’t want to change the color, you should go to your stylist to get a new cut.
2. Black clothes

Winter is over. It’s time to adopt color. For spring and summer, choose pastel tones. By avoiding color, you add age to your outfit.
3. Skirts or long dresses

Long skirts and dresses are more appropriate for winter. It’s time to pull up the hem and wear something shorter. You don’t need to wear a miniskirt, but something that fits just below the knee. It also allows your legs to get some sunshine.
4. Surplus accessories

Accessories are a wonderful thing, except when you abuse them. Spring and summer are often considered the seasons to embrace minimalism, so try not to wear too many bracelets, necklaces and rings at once.
5. Very short shorts

Even if it’s summer, very short shorts are a bad clothing choice. Indeed, it is uncomfortable and it is not pretty, whether you are 20 years old or, worse, 50 years old…
6. Animal prints

Clothes with animal prints usually age the person wearing them. It is, therefore, better to avoid making them at a certain age.
7. Shapeless dresses

Rent dresses are pleasant to wear on hot summer days, but they are not very advantageous. Try adding a belt to your outfit. This will accentuate your silhouette.
8. Follow the morphological rules

Who really cares about the morphology rules? If you are slightly overweight, wear tight jeans. Nothing should stop you from wearing what you want, no matter what the season!
9. Going crazy with flowers

The flowers are pretty in spring and summer but don’t overdo it. Try to limit yourself to two accessories with flowers or one piece with flowers. A floral dress can be beautiful with some accessories.
10. Wearing too few clothes

Just because the temperature is getting warmer doesn’t mean you have to wear very few clothes. When you are outside, try to dress in layers and do not wear a top with a bareback or a miniskirt. It’s not flattering at any age.
11. Do not wear sunscreen

The sun is the enemy of your skin. Although it can give your complexion a pretty and golden look, it is very harmful to your skin. Over time, age spots appear. You can help prevent this by brushing your skin with sunscreen. After application, give it time to soak and don’t forget to repeat the application if you go in the water.
12. Choose poorly fitting clothing

Try to wear tight clothing that fits your curves and silhouette. You’ll look much younger that way.
13. Choosing the right shoes

It is possible to be comfortable in something and to be fashionable at the same time. If you want to wear sneakers, choose clean white sneakers from a popular brand.
14. Abuse make-up layers

During spring and summer, avoid overusing beauty products. In fact, wearing too many layers of makeup is bad for the skin and requires frequent maintenance. In addition, your perspiration can settle in each of the wrinkles on your skin, which is unflattering…
15. “Grandmother” style glasses

Although you will never lose your “grandmother” style glasses, they are not called “grandmother” glasses for no reason. Glasses are like any other fashion accessory, even if it is an accessory for the eyes. The frames that are currently in fashion are black rectangular shapes. Avoid chains.
16. Avoid technical accessories

Your technology can be enhanced like everything else you own. Chances are your phone is often turned off and an elegant case can make you plugged in. You can get cheap or expensive ones that will protect your investment.
17. Clothing up to the calf

Spring and summer are perfect seasons to show off your style. However, it is difficult to do this if you hide under a shapeless mass of clothing. We, therefore, suggest that you buy clothes that fit your size and, above all, avoid clothes that collapse on you.
18. Using an old bag

Despite the fact that you found the perfect handbag a few years ago, it may be time to think about changing it. If your bag has tears or looks worn, you can get a new one quite easily. For spring and summer, you can adopt color.
19. Powdering up

Powdered makeup can settle into the folds of your skin and exacerbate each dry spot on your face. For drier skin, it is preferable to use cream or liquid make-up.
20. Eyeliner thick black

The thick black eyeliner makes your eyes look smaller and puts attention in the wrong place. We are not saying to avoid the black eyeliner. Instead, make a thin black eyeliner line on the upper waterline and a white eyeliner line on the lower waterline. This method opens the eye and makes it clearer.