What Happens When You Rub This Natural Ingredient On Your Skin

Skin tackles (teats) grow from the skin and are not very aesthetic. To eliminate them, here is a very simple and natural thing.


Tackles commonly known as teats may appear at any time in our lives. They appear for a reason that seems unknown and grow slowly. According to scientists, a weak immune system could be the cause of this appearance, but this is still only a hypothesis.

They are often confounded with warts, but they are completely different; Painless, round and soft. They are often found under the armpits, on the eyelids, on the throat, and so on. In general, they appear where parts of the body can rub and irritate. In the small folds of the body. They are not a serious health threat, but they can be embarrassing or cause discomfort.

The main cause of these teats is obesity. Yet they can also be caused by tight clothes that rub. It is often seen in pregnant women.

Get Rid of The Tag

Conventional methods of elimination include cutting or freezing. Yet there is a simpler way to solve these problems that does not require a visit to the dermatologist.

All you need to do is:

  • Rub some apple cider vinegar on the nipple, two to three times a day.
  • Repeat every day for a week.
  • Eventually the tackle will fall on its own.

You can also:

  • Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar
  • Place it on the tag and attach it with a bandage.
  • If you prefer this method, make sure to check that your skin does not get irritated with this product.