This Simple Trick Will Get Rid of All Your Dark Spots on Your Face

Unbelievable skin care! This simple trick allows you to eliminate the dark spots on your face or on your skin. It's simple and very gentle for your skin.


Age spots or dark spots on the skin are not frightening, but they can drastically reduce self-confidence. In most cases, they appear on the face, hands, shoulders and limbs and become more numerous over the years.

The Causes

These big brown spots on the skin are the first symptom of aging. In order to prevent their occurrence and eliminate them, you must know the exact cause of their appearance in the first place.

They are usually a result of excessive exposure to sunlight and UV rays, no matter if you have been exposed to UV rays without using sunscreen or if you have used a tanning bed. The more time you spent tanning the more melanin appears on your body, which gives the dark shadow of the skin. Even if the dark complexion disappears, the brown spots remain on the skin.


If you think these stains can endanger your health, you are totally right. They do not necessarily lead to cancer, but they can speed things up. Consult if:

  • They become red.
  • Strange contours form.
  • The color changes and becomes darker.
  • The shape changes or grows.

If your spots worry you, book an appointment with your dermatologist.

Get Rid of Them

To get rid of it, there are some interesting stuff like this one proposed in a FitLifeTV video.


You should prepare this simple juice recipe made from two basic ingredients and apply it on the stains.

Here’s How to Prepare The Lotion

  1. Cup one fresh onion
  2. Put the pieces in a resealable plastic bag.
  3. Add organic apple cider vinegar and prepare a homogeneous mixture.


You should soak a cotton ball in the mixture and apply it on the brown spots. Do this every day for 2 to 4 weeks. The first effects will be noticeable after a week, but continue until the age spots are completely gone.


The appearance of brown spots can not be completely avoided, but you should still reduce the time you spend in the sun and always use sunscreen even in winter.

Also avoid tanning beds because they can seriously damage the skin.
