An Ordinary Habit Leaves this Nurse With a Hole the Size of a Penny in Her Nose

Many people have this habit and they do not seem to fully realize the ravages it can cause. This woman learned it the hard way at her expense.


Fortunately, Thrasher quickly noticed that there was a problem with her skin, but never she though it could be related to once of her bad habit. Because of the speed with which she responded to the situation, she was able to avoid having to undergo chemotherapy and radiation.

One morning, when she got up, Thrasher noticed a pimple growing on her nose and it did not seem like an ordinary one. That is why she did not take a chance; She played it safe and visited her doctor immediately.

However, the situation was not without consequences for the young woman.



As Thrasher explains, “After the surgery, for three weeks I could not bend or do anything for myself because the transplant was so crucial that I was not allowed to put pressure on my head” .


A Popular Habit That Wreaks Havoc

What could have caused such a situation, you ask?

Thrasher was a fan of tanning, as much in the sun as in the salons. No need to mention that now, she is very careful to avoid all types of UV rays and she constantly apply sunscreen. “When you’re a teenager, you think you’re invincible,” she said. “But I put my face on tanning beds and I have cancer.”


Always be vigilant when it comes to UV rays and always think of protecting yourself by using sunscreen when you are long exposed to the sun. It’s a health issue, it’s your life that’s at stake.

Source: Newvibe