100 Year Old Hacks That Still Work Today – Unbelievable!

While some trips require modern technology others are just good ol' fashioned wisdom. They have stood the test of time, it's worth a try!


There are tons of hacks and tricks on the Internet. People have shared their advice abundantly for years. However, some tricks have existed since the invention of the Web and still work very well.

While some trips require modern technology and inventions to put into place, others are just good ol’ fashioned wisdom.

They have stood the test of time, it’s worth a try!

Here are 10 hacks that existed a hundred years ago, but which, after all, are still very practical.


9. Patatoes

This amazing combination of potatoes and new leather shoes is from the bygone era. Any fan of classic pair of shoes may have experienced the pain of breaking in a new pair. Other tricks like using an egg in your shoe and beat it will only make your whole shoe larger instead of only targeting the parts that are causing the discomfort. 

Simply putt a potato in your shoe and leave it. For better result, peel the potato to the shape of your feet. Leave at night and wear it next day.

If you don’t want to waste your potato. Use it as a sponge to clean your shoes with water and rub the surface. This will safely remove that stubborn salty residue.



8. Boiling Egg

Boiling eggs is always something of a gamble if you haven’t perfected your technique. What commonly causes the egg to overcook is a cracked shell. Each egg contains an air bubble, which when the heat is high it expands and the pressure cracks the shell. If you notice a chip in your boiled water, add vinegar and salt will cause the egg white to congeal and prevent it from leaking and cracking further.

7. Vases

They can be a lovely addition to any home decor, but if you are clumsy, the risks are higher than you will break it and they become a nightmare. One easy solution is to fill your vases with sand.


6. Pipes

Before you spend big bucks waiting for a plumber to come fix it for you, see if you can do it yourself. Don’t reach for that bottle of chemicals just yet! The most effective way to repair a sink that is not draining properly is to use baking soda and white vinegar.

This works if the grease is the source of the clog. Try to rub as far as you can and follow with the mix. Flush out the pipe with boiling water. If it still doesn’t drain properly, the source is probably something different. Place a wastebasket underneath the bend, remove the screw cap and clean well. Reattach it when you are done.

5. Bug Bites

It wasn’t always so easy to get rid of the scratching. Years ago, our grandmother used to slice an onion and rub the juice of it all over the affected area. Goodbye mosquito’s bite! If more serious, leave the onion on for a longer period of time. Garlic could also work. 

4. Candles

Have you ever tried to fire a candle in the wind? Quite impossible, right? Our little trick is to take a knife and carefully cut into the match slicing towards the tip that you use to strike with. The surface area will be bigger to start a flame.


Borax is an amazing product with tons of uses, but always remain careful. If you are grossed out by flies in your garbage cans. Sprinkle borax inside and outside of the trash cans to get rid of them.

3. Hair

We all want gorgeous hair, but it takes an extreme amount of effort to get there. Hair product can be really expensive. Some people say you shouldn’t wash your hair too often. You can also incorporate an egg in your routine.

2. The art of cooking a lobster.

If your lobster has already been boiled, lay it on your back and put its tail back.When you release the tail, look at the speed at which it returns. If it goes back to its position quickly, it’s because it is fresh.

1. Home Health

Getting a splinter stuck under your skin is never fun. If it’s embedded just right, it can be difficult to pull out. Use a bottle with a wide mouth that is larger than the affected area. Fill nearly to the brim with hot water and press it against the splinter. It will easily fall off.

Here is the video tutorial to resume our tips!