You Should Absolutely Avoid These 10 Beauty Tricks From Now On

We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our self-esteem and change our appearance. That’s why we often look for beauty tips in magazines and on the Internet.


We are constantly looking for new ways to improve our self-esteem and change our appearance. That’s why we often look for beauty tricks in magazines and on the Internet.

Unfortunately, we are often overwhelmed by misinformation, especially on the Internet.

Here are some beauty tips to avoid.

White Teeth


Coal, contrary to what one thinks, is not a good whitening teeth. However, it will weaken the enamel of your teeth and their premature erosion.

7. Cellulite

Cellulite is not caused by your weight. It has more to do with genetics. Even people who are thin, go to the gym and eat well have cellulite. It makes it very difficult to reduce your cellulite. Consult a dermatologist to figure out what is causing your cellulite and find out if you can do something about it.

6. The Hair

Many believe that shaving the hair will help them grow back darker and stronger. This is not the case. So you can shave your mind quietly.



5. The Vaseline

Vaseline can moisturize the face, reducing the appearance of wrinkles, but contrary to what many people think, this product does not completely prevent wrinkles.

The Pores

One of the myths circulating is that you can change the size of your pores using cold water and white eggs. Unfortunately, the size of our pores is determined by our genetics and therefore cannot be changed.

4. Stretch Marks

Cocoa butter lotion cannot prevent stretch marks, but it helps to ease the itching that come with stretch marks.


Makeup does not cause pimples. Although, it is important to remove makeup and wash your face before going to bed.

3. The Hair

Brushing your hair too often can damage your hair. It dries them and improve hair breakage.

2. Varicose Veins

People have believed for years that crossing their legs is causing varicose veins. Cross your legs as much as you want, because it’s a myth!

1. Preparation H

Preparation H does not reduce dark circles. At the time, this was the case because of the yeast contained in this cream, but today the ointment no longer contains this ingredient.

Here is a video with all the beauty tips to avoid.