5 Objects You’ve Been Using Wrong Your Whole Life

The instruction manual isn’t always included maybe it explains why you’ve been using wrong these objects. Let’s find out how to use them correctly.


Surely we’ve all been told many times in our life that we were doing things wrong. Which isn’t it very serious most of the times.

After all, everyone makes mistakes. However, we all like to improve even with very little details such as using objects the wrong way. It even happens to make mistakes with everyday objects.

These are 5 common objects that most people use incorrectly.

1. Headphones

If your headphones are constantly falling off, it’s probably because you’ve been wearing them wrong. Instead of putting them as you usually do, place them over the lobe of your ear.

Tic Tac Boxes

Tic Tac boxes are made to dispense one mint at a time. If you look inside their container, you will notice an oval shaped dispenser. Stop shacking it every direction to get more out of it!


Some suction siphon are made for cooking and others for the toilet. Those for cooking are usually red and the handle is wood. Make sure to buy a suction siphon made for your toilet. This type of siphon is made to adhere more particularly to the shape of the bowl.  You can put just enough strength to unlock your bowl.



2. Toothpaste

Most people use too much toothpaste. According to experts, we should pour the equivalent of a pea size on the toothbrush.

Store Natural Peanut Butter

When you come back from the grocery store, store your peanut butter upside down. this will make sure to distribute the oil throughout the butter.

3. Watch this tutorial picture for more examples like these.