10 Surprising Things The Palm of Your Hands Says About You

A while ago, people used to believe it was possible to read the future throughout the lines of our hands. Septic? This is what your lines can reveal...


If you don’t believe in the art of reading the future throughout the lines in the palm of your hands. Don’t leave yet, because we may change your mind with the science behind why our hands look the way that they do.

You’ll learn some surprising things that your hands say about you.

Here are 10 surprising things the palm of your hands can reveal about you.

10. Digit Ratio

Stop looking at your lines in the palm of your hands and start looking how far your index finger stretches out compared to your ring finger.

  • Shorter index finger indicates that you were exposed to less testosterone in the womb.
  • Also, have better spatial cognition and athletic prowess.

9. Coloration

In all the things your hands can do, they can act as a barometer for your overall health. One of the early signs of liver damage in older people is read palms.

If Your fingers are turning red, white and blue. No! You are not simply a proud american, but you are showing some of Raymond’s disease which restricts blood flow to your fingers.


8. Palmer Crease

These two creases are related to the heart line and the head line. One point five percent of the population only have a single one. The man’s crease are twice as likely as females to have this and it can be associated with certain medial conditions.

7. Ulnar Loops

See if the ulnar loops run in the same direction towards your little finger. People with Alzheimer’s are much more likely to have ulnar loops.

6. Grip Strength

News Medical

Studies have found a correlation between grip strength and hand circumference. People with fused hand lines such as those with a single traverse palmer crease have great hand strength.

5. Sydney line

Otherwise known as the head line, it’s scientific name is the proximal palmar crease. It runs through the middle of your hand. Having a long one indicate you are moe susceptible for certain medical issues including childhood Leukemia and Alzheimer’s.

4. Fingerprints


Everyone’s has a unique set of fingerprints. However, your ethnicity can influence your odds of having certain details. People from Africa are more likely to see arches on their fingers. Asian will see whorl instead.

3. Warning Signs

Having a shorter index finger relative to your ring finger can indicate some good things. It can be a warning sign as well. Men with this ratio have a 33% higher chance of developing prostate cancer.

2. High blood pressure

Looking at your fingerprints instead of going to the doctor’s isn’t a great idea, but the pattern on your fingers can indicate whether or not you should be worrying about your blood pressure.

Studies have found the people with whorl are more likely to struggle with high blood pressure.

1. Heart Health

The circumference of your hand can indicate your grip strength, but you’ll want to take a closer. This can predict your odds of suffering from a stroke or heart attack.

For more details, make sure the watch the video below.


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