How to Reduce a Pet’s Bad Breath With Natural Tricks

If this stinky problem is a casualty, we suggest you go for a walk with your pet or try one of the following natural tricks.


It is obvious, we all love our pets endlessly. They share our life for perhaps many years and mostly rely on us. Somehow though, you may hate some parts of having a pet at home. Especially, when it comes to see you in the morning with its bad breath. If this stinky problem is a casualty, we suggest you go for a walk with your pet. His bad breath could be due to gum disease, diabetes or a kidney problem. If this problem is not chronic, you can always try to stop the bad breath of your pet with the following natural tricks.

7. Brush their teeth

To fight the bad breath of your pet, the first thing you should do is brush your teeth. Ideally, you should brush at least 3 to 4 times a week, every other day. In addition to fighting bad breath, brushing teeth helps to prevent mouth problems such as plaque buildup, tartar formation and gum disease.

Warning: Do not brush your pet’s teeth with your toothpaste. Get a toothpaste sold at your vet or pet store and made specifically for animals.

6. Opt for medicinal plants

Your pet’s bad breath may be caused by a digestive problem or indigestion. In this case, you can resort to medicinal plants to remove the stench from his mouth. Here are some plants to try:

  • Dill: It is an aromatic herb antibacterial. It is able to stop the growth and reproduction of bacteria in the mouth. Make an infusion of dill and put a few drops in the water of your pet every day.
  • Ginger: If your pet has bad breath because of indigestion, drop one or two slices of fresh ginger into a cup of hot water and wait for your infusion to cool down. Then remove the ginger from the cup and pour 1 to 2 tbsp. this infusion in your pet’s water.
  • Parsley: This herb is good for fighting germs and freshening breath. Chop parsley and sprinkle it in your pet’s food. You can also concoct biscuits for dogs or cats with parsley.

5. Fight bacteria with colloidal silver

Another solution to fight against the bad breath of your dog or your cat: colloidal silver. It is an all-natural antibiotic. Colloidal silver helps fight bad bacteria, without affecting the good in the large intestine.

4. Give your pet good snacks

Conseils veterinaires de Patrick

Avoid giving snacks containing sugar and preservatives to your pet because they are sticky to your pet’s teeth. Instead, give him some snacks to clean his teeth, such as fresh fruits and vegetables (carrots, apples, etc.). You can also cook biscuits with herbs such as parsley or mint.

3. Offer toys to your dog


If your dog loves toys, be aware that chewing toys, such as rubber toys and bones made of rawhide, are a good way to clean your teeth. You can also buy toys made with strong rope to your dog. These act like flossing. Note, however, that toys will never replace a good brushing of teeth.

2. Avoid commercial food

Canal Vie

Avoid commercial food sold in big box stores. This is the culprit for most cases of bad breath in animals, because this type of processed food is simply not suitable for the digestive system of animals. Also avoid giving table scraps to your pet.

1. Try natural supplements


The problem is maybe because of digestive problems. In this case, you can help by adding digestive enzymes to his food. You can also give him chlorophyll tablets to help digestion


Soignez Votre Animal Au Naturel