15 Beauty Tips From Your Grandmother That Are Still Relevant Today

With our grandmothers, we gathered15 of the most timeless beauty tips that are still relevant in this article. From skin care to your hair!


With over a hundred different beauty tips found on the Internet, it’s quite easy to get overwhelm and feel lost. Among all these tips, we too often forget about our grandmother who definitely has been through decades of news trends in the world of beauty. Which product is more effective and which is not? That’s why we decided to put together a little beauty guide to our beat 15 of the most timeless beauty tips that are still relevant to this day. Don’t keep it all for yourself, don’t forget to share!

15. Talk to Your Hairstylist

Go straight to the point with your hairdresser about what you want. Try to have clear ideas and bring magazine photos of the styles you like.

14. Brush your hair from roots to tips


Brush your hair from root to tip every night. This distributes your natural oils throughout your hair, ensuring a healthy shine.

13. Avoid radical color changes, if you hair dyes at home


If you do your dyeing at home, do not make a radical change. Stay one or two shades close to your natural color.

12. Brush your hair like a pro


Comb your wet hair like a pro: take a handful of hair at a time and work from the center to the ends, then from the scalp to the center. My grandmother swear by this and still have amazing hair at her age. Can’t say it’s not relevant!

11. Let your hair get shinny


Apply your conditioner to the tip of your hair and always rinse with cold water to seal the cuticle and stimulate the shine of your hair.

10. Protection against the sun


Protect your hair from sun damage with a scarf or hat..

9. Sleep on silk or satin pillowcase


Keep your styling longer by sleeping on a silk or satin pillowcase.

8. Don’t forget to brush your hair under your hat


To fix your hat, lean forward and shake your head several times. Then, run your fingers through your hair to add volume. For even more body, spray hairspray on a brush with natural bristles, bend down and brush your hair slightly underneath.

7. Avoid frizz


Avoid frizz using only a wide-toothed comb, especially when your hair is dry.

6. Choose your shampoo carefully


If you dye your hair, opt for sulphate free shampoos and conditioners that do not contain aggressive soaps.

5. Beautiful eyesbrows


Soften your skin before your skin by dabbing your skin with a cotton ball soaked in hot water or cream.

4. Tweeze your eyebrows the right way


Always tweeze your eyebrows in the same direction as your hair growth.

3. Discipline your eyebrow bristles


For unruly eyebrows, apply hairspray to an old toothbrush or an old mascara brush, then brush them up and out.

2. Get rid of puffy eyelid


Fix your puffy eyes problem by splashing them with cold water or applying a cold compress (put ice cubes in a washcloth). Put the pad for 15 seconds on your eyes and take 15 seconds of rest.

1. Use your ring finger to moisturize your skin

Always use your ring finger to apply a moisturizer or concealer to the eye area. It puts the least pressure on your skin.


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