These 10 cleaning tips will save you so much time

Who likes to clean and invest time in household chores? Nobody! But unless you have to funds to hire a cleaning lady, you will have to do it yourself. Fortunately, there are ways to make it as little painful and annoying as possible. Discover some quick and easy cleaning tips that will save you a lot of time.


Not many people like doing housework. This is not surprising. It is often long and pretty demanding. Also, people have other much more interesting things to do than dusting their home or clean their floors whenever they have some time off from work or taking care of the kids. Fortunately, from the bathroom to the kitchen, there are ways to save time and efforts while making your whole house or apartment sparkle.

You do have to be clever about it, but it is thankfully possible to have an impeccable house without spending too much time cleaning. In addition, you don’t even have to spend a lot of money to make the most of the time you spend scrubbing the house and getting rid of all the dirty, dusty and full of germs places in your home. Here are 10 cleaning tips for busy people.

1. Clean your toilet bowl

If your toilet bowl is stained, you can clean it with a pumice stone. Simply scrub the stained area and then flush. Ideally, use a pumice stone with a handle: it will be much easier to maneuver.

2. Remove water stains

Did you know you could remove water stains on wood furniture with a simple hairdryer? All you need to do is take your hairdryer and point the hot air towards the stain. It should disappear after about 15 minutes. After, put some olive oil on your furniture to hydrate the wood.

3. Clean your oven

Ovens have a tendency of getting dirty very fast. People always seem to avoid cleaning them since it’s an annoying and long task to do. It is actually easy to quickly clean an oven with the help of this simple trick. Here is how to do it:

  • Mix some baking soda and water and create a paste.
  • Put the paste on the dirty sides of your oven.
  • Spray white vinegar on the paste you created. It will create an emulsion.
  • Wait a few hours or all night.
  • Wipe the area with a sponge to remove the stains.
  • Rinse with hot water.

4. Polish your stainless steel objects

If you feel like refreshing your stainless steel objects and making them shine, you can use a mixture of cream of tartar and water. Mix 1 tablespoon cream of tartar with a few drops of water. After, scrub your stainless steel object with a sponge and the mixture. All you have left to do after is wipe the object with a humid paper towel.

5. Make your glass baking tray shine

To make your glass baking tray shine without using chemical products, you can spray some white vinegar on it, wait 2 minutes and then wipe it off with a sponge or a cloth.

6. Remove dust from your lampshades and cushions

Lint brush rollers are great for your clothes, especially when you are having a busy morning. Note that you can also use them to remove any dust accumulated on your lampshades and cushions.

7. Remove limescale from your toilet

Surprisingly, Coke can help clean your toilet. This bubbly beverage is a very effective tool to remove limescale. Pour it into your toilet and leave it there all night. The next morning, gently scrub your toilet.

8. Clean your cabinets

Your dish cleaning brush can help clean your cabinets effectively. Scrub them with this tool and a little bit of soap and then wipe them with a dry cloth.

9. Remove the tartar from your shower head

Tartar can quickly accumulate on your shower head. You can fix this problem by filling a plastic bag, like a Ziploc bag, with some vinegar and then tying it to your showerhead with an elastic. Make sure your shower head is totally emersed in the vinegar and leave the bag there all night. The next day, your shower head should be tartar-free!

10. Pick up your pet’s hair

It is no secret that pets constantly lose their hair. You can quickly pick up their hairs by putting some rubber gloves and dampening them a bit. The hairs will stick to the gloves so you can easily take hairs off your couch, chairs and other surfaces in your home.

