10 reasons why your mom is amazing

Our mom has a capital importance in our life. It is important to remember why she is so great!


Your mom is great. Yes, yes. Have you ever imagined what your world would look like without her? Marvelous and an extraordinary woman, she is also generous and as strong as the sun. Kahlil Gibran once said: “The mother is everything: she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly.” She can be as quick as a whiplash, as gentle and pleasant as hot rain and also as devoted to you as the irreducible ground under your feet. She will suffer all the pain herself, but will never let you suffer.

We all agree with this, right? But what is it that really makes her that special? Her love? Her care? If we continue, the list will never end, so here is a summary of 10 reasons why your mom is great.

1. She watches you


Consider it like an insult or like a ‘friendly reminder’, but your mother always reminds you to do the right things at the right time. Although it can sometimes be a little irratating, at the end of the day, we praise her diligence. Can you imagine how many times you’d have forgotten your homework at school without her constant reminders? Your passport on your way to the airport? How long would you drive with an expired license plate if it weren’t for her? Ah well, this is what moms do, and that’s why your mom is great.

2. She is sympathetic


So, how many times have you seen your mother cry, even during the most trivial emotional moments, while you and your dad mock her for exaggerating almost everything? This explains her capacity of sympathizing with others, a trait that would make this harsh world become a little bit more magnanimous if we were all more like her.

3. She is your most loyal friend


When misfortune takes the place of opulence and, suddenly, you are surrounded by serious trials, your so-called friends who could have celebrated in your good days will disappear with the clouds of your darkness. But your mother, your mother will always be there with you, in the ups and downs.

4. Your mother is the best teacher


Sure, we’ve gone to school, we have graduated from a good university and obtained a high-level diploma, but the real life knowledge has been acquired thanks to our moms. Moms are great. They’ve taught us how to make our first steps, how to eat, how to speak, and don’t forget, all the important habits, ethics and virtues. It’s because of them that we have become the best version of ourselves.

Source: Topyaps

5. She is a great nurse


Remember how your mom could reduce the pain of an abrasion or of an injury, without a salve or medication? After, despite all these trials and tensions, you can sleep peacefully on her knees. It’s the magic of a mother, she is a natural healer. This reminds us of an old Jewish proverb: “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.” Do you still doubt that moms are marvelous?

6. Mother’s are a great role-model


When’s the last time your mother left her daily household chores for the last time? It must have been a very long time ago or even maybe it never happened! Every day she gets up, accomplishes her rituals, helps you, your brother and your father with all the possible things before they set out for their own work day. In addition to being a devoted mother and a perfect woman, she is also a career-oriented woman. Only she knows how to maintain a perfect balance between the office and the family, which undoubtedly makes her the best model!

7. She can pamper you


Sometimes she screams, sometimes she scolds, but when it comes time to pamper you, mothers are the best. Do you remember all your Christmas presents, your birthday presents, and of course, the bike of your dreams that she bought by saving money just for you? And who can forget the family conflicts where she defended you and didn’t back down from your father to support you? This trait is enough to convince anyone their mother is amazing.

8. She is the best confidant


Every time we need a shoulder to cry on, she is always there to calm and help us. Furthermore, she is a good listener and we can always count on her every time we need someone to communicate and talk with. Not only do we find peace in her discussions, but also a solution to all our problems. In fact, it is her that has helped us courageously face difficult situations in our life.

9. She is the most selfless person


A mother will always put her children’s well-being before her own. Whether it is by abandoning her favourite snack to give it to her child or to be the first to apologize during a fight, even though she knows it’s your fault and not hers. She simply gives, again and again, and rarely takes.

10. She loves you unconditionally


What ever you do, the gravity of your errors or how much you hurt her, her love for you will never diminish and will always be unconditional. Her love is the ultimate true love, it is the only one that encourages you to do all the right things, and at the same time, it prevents you from being attracted to bad habits.

Source: Topyaps