My neighbour gets rid of weeds with vinegar (plus other tips)

If weeds are invading your garden and you don't know what to do anymore to get rid of them once and for all, this gardener will give you a few tips.


With constant and appropriate care, gardens can become small paradises on earth. However, gardeners know that this is not an easy task. Weeds are their worst nightmare. They destroy plants and are extremely hard to eliminate. But, a professional gardener has decided to share 6 incredible hacks that will help you answer this problem and enjoy the beauty of your garden all summer long!

1. Vinegar

Vinegar is rich in acetic acid, a powerful natural herbicide that attracts the leaves’ humidity. Just remember not to spray it everywhere on the plant, only on the leaves!

2. Boiling water

Pour a kettle filled with hot water or a pot with boiling water on the weeds, around the crown of the plant. This will destroy it for good.

3. Maize flour

Once your plants have been cultivated, sprinkle them with maize flour to avoid weed seeds from sprouting.

4. Getting rid of them by hand

This is the most common method to remove these annoying plants. Loose then earth with a trowel and then pull on the grass. Wear gardening gloves to avoid replacing the seeds.

5. Salt

To dehydrate weeds, sprinkle some salt on them. However, don’t use too much because this could harm your plants and the soil balance. You need to mix some salt with water in a 3:1 ratio and only pour this mixture into the weeds.

6. Mulch

To avoid weed seedlings from sprouting, use some mulch to avoid the light of the sun to reach the ground. This will also prevent the weed seeds from entering the soil.


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