Use these tricks so cats won’t come play in your garden anymore

Every year, your beautiful garden is invaded by cats...Try these 10 hacks so these felines will stop going into your backyard.


Even if you don’t have a cat, your garden is probably the favourite place of your town’s numerous felines. Here are 10 ways to ward off these animals from your backyard without harming them.

10. Encourage castration


A neutered or castrated cat does not mark its territory by urinating in your garden. They walk around and takes a nap, that’s all! Talk to your neighbours about the benefits of castration (including increasing cat life expectancy) so that everyone can benefit.

9. Water gun: A fearsome weapon

 You probably know this but cats hate water. Don’t hesitate to spray the felines that wreak havoc in your beautiful garden!

8. Plants

Cats hate certain odours. The smell of geranium, lemongrass, thyme and lavender will discourage them from coming in your garden. Why not plant some of these plants in your yard.

7. Coffee

 Dry some coffee grounds in your garden. These animals don’t like this odour.

6. Plant enclosure

Put an enclosure around your plants or your vegetable garden. You can also cover your seedlings with a net.

5. Use a log against claws

 By placing a log at the foot of the tree, you’ll prevent felines from sharpening their claws on your tree.

4. Chestnuts

Chestnuts can serve as indications for felines: “Beware, this is a forbidden area!” Place some all over your backyard.

3. Lemon peels

It is good to know that these animals hate the smell of lemons. Don’t throw out your lemon peels, keep them close by.

2. Toothpicks: Very practical

 Felines have a tendency of taking naps on seedbeds. To break this habit, plant a few toothpicks in strategic places.

1. Mulch that itches

Coconut mulching is also a fairly effective solution to keep cats away from the neighbourhood. It is rougher than straw… Let’s bet that no cat will ever dare to rest on your future vegetable garden!

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